2 What will be discussed Recreational fishing in marine waters of Atlantic Canada and Quebec. Why a marine recreational licence? Access to the resource Harmonization with provincial licences Charter Boat operators Licence Design: Scope of the licence Delivery mechanism Fishing guide Fees Management measures Catch Reporting Next steps. More information/how to contact us
3 Recreational fishing in marine waters Recreational fishing provides an important economic contribution to many communities in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. There are increasing conservation and management issues around recreationally fished species, e.g. cod and mackerel. The absence of a licence has implications for the management of fisheries in general, but particularly for the recreational sector. Lack of catch and effort data Low profile Minimal participation in DFO’s advisory process No effective way to reach recreational fishers
4 Why a Marine Recreational Licence? A licence will help close the information gap on participation rates and harvest levels. A licence will enhance DFO’s capability to manage marine recreational fisheries, including shellfish. A licence will help confirm current access and expand recreational fishers’ role in fisheries management advisory and planning processes. The licence database will provide a means to improve communications with recreational fishers, including notification of contaminated shellfish areas.
5 Access to the resource The overarching principle for fisheries management on Canada’s Atlantic coast and Quebec is the conservation and sustainable use of resources. Most of the recent access issues in Atlantic Canada and Quebec have been related to groundfish, particularly cod, although recreational access has been requested for such species as lobster, crab and scallops. The intent is to maintain current recreational access, with the goal of expanding access, subject to resource abundance, advisory and planning processes and consistency of approach across Atlantic Canada and Quebec. DFO is proposing to increase participation of the recreational community in advisory and planning processes.
6 Harmonization with provincial licences (NB, NS, PEI) The objective: to amend current regulations to eliminate the need to obtain both a federal and provincial licence for freshwater and anadromous species (like salmonids) that are most often fished in inland waters but are also found and recreationally fished in adjacent marine waters. The proposal: one licence, issued by the provinces.
7 Charter boat operators The proposal: charter boat operators would require an annual licence from DFO to permit them to take clients fishing during the recreational fishing season. Clients would be covered under the charter boat licence and would not be required to purchase an individual licence. Charter boat operators would be required to pay a higher fee for the licence, to maintain a log of all fish caught and retained for each trip and to submit logs to DFO.
8 Scope of the licence Recreational licences already exist for certain species in marine waters in many parts of Atlantic Canada and Quebec but must be purchased separately. The proposal: one licence for all marine species currently being fished recreationally in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. Exceptions to a licence requirement could be considered in special cases where conservation and management issues are not of concern.
9 Delivery mechanism Three options were considered: Delivery by DFO Delivery through a vendor system Delivery by Canada Post The proposal: delivery by Canada Post (availability of outlets in rural communities, administrative efficiencies from dealing with one agent, and Canada Post’s ability to send timely licence purchase information to DFO)
10 Fishing Guide Three options were considered: 1.Atlantic and Quebec wide guide with province- specific conditions such as species, seasons, gear, bag limits, etc. 2.Atlantic and Quebec wide guide with separate booklet/brochure on province-specific conditions such as species, seasons, gear, bag limits, etc. 3.Province specific guide. The proposal: Option 1.
11 Fees The proposal: Adult annual (16-64 years of age) $20.00 Adult 1-5 consecutive days $10.00 Senior annual (65 years of age and over) $10.00 Juvenile annual (under 16 years of age) free Charter boat annual $250 - $500 The intent is to use revenues to recover administrative and management costs associated with the licence, including data analysis.
12 Management measures Recreational fisheries management measures currently vary by species and by location. The proposal: same approach (to allow Regional flexibility in terms of species, seasons, gear, bag limits, etc.)
13 Reporting catch information Objective: to provide catch and effort data for the marine recreational fishery, in a simple, low cost, consistent and timely manner. Options include: Completion of a daily log that, at the end of the season, could be: Dropped off at DFO Offices Mailed to DFO Faxed to DFO Filed on-line Report catch on-line daily Report catch by telephone daily Combination of some/all of the above (could also include invited index reference groups) Which do you support?
14 Next Steps Conclude consultations; communicate results Incorporate feedback and finalize licence design Commence regulatory and User Fees Act processes Timelines: Consultations finished – April 30, 2010 Comments by May 31, 2010 Final licence design – summer 2010 User Fees Act process – 2-3 years Regulations – 1 year to change Implementation
15 More information/How to contact us Discussion document and background information available on DFO web site: us at: XNCR, Fax us at : Mailing address: Recreational Fisheries Fisheries and Oceans Canada Station Kent Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0E6