NCAA Division I Awards and Benefits Question and Answer Steve Clar Jobrina Marques
Overview Interactive session. Case studies. Group discussion. Feedback. Questions?
Case Study No. 1 Women’s golf SA is invited to play in LPGA event. Event occurs March 29 – April 1, Event awards world golf ranking points. Olympic qualifying is based on world golf ranking points. SA’s institution would like to pay SA’s expenses, including expenses for her sister, who will serve as her caddy.
Case Study No. 2 Current international SA has a child. SA is in need of child care while traveling with team to an away-from-home competition. Athletics department staff member would like to watch the SA’s child while traveling for competition.
Case Study No. 3 Grandparent of SA 1 was introduced to another SA 2 when she dropped off her grandson, SA 1, at institution. Grandparent overheard a group of coaches telling SA 1 and his teammates that SA 2 “did not have any family.” After returning home, grandparent sent SA 2 the following: Two care packages with food items of nominal value; A used suit jacket and a set of full-size bed sheets purchased for $19.99.
Case Study No. 4 Institution is located in Kansas. Institution’s football and soccer team are competing in away-from-home competition in Florida at the same time. Institution would like to provide soccer team with complimentary admissions to the football game as a form of entertainment.
Case Study No. 5 SA resides in Georgia. Institution located in Indiana. SA was invited to represent the institution in an Athlete's in Action Academy located in California a few days prior to the start of the institution’s fall term. Per Bylaw , institution may provide the SA with expenses to attend the Academy. Institution would like to provide the SA’s air travel to return to institution (which was also SA’s initial arrival on campus) instead of his home to avoid missing his first day of classes.
Case Study No. 6 Institution has two campuses. General parking for game day is located on Campus A, but the games are held on Campus B. Institution runs a shuttle from one campus to another on game days.
Case Study No. 6 (Continued) At times, SAs parents stay after the game to meet with their children. In those cases, parents miss the shuttle because it has stopped running and must walk back to Campus A after night games. On those days, institution would like to provide reserved parking on Campus B to parents at the regular, going rate for parking.
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