COMMUNICATION: Our behaviours – such as talking, waving, smiling, frowning, walking, shaking our heads and gesturing – become messages to which other people may respond VERBAL and NONVERBAL
CULTURE: knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe at large, and material objects and possessions passed down through the generations within a group of people
What shaped me to be who I am today? Let’s learn more about your cultural upbringing & find out how your thinking and behaviours were shaped: 1.(i) When you cried or got upset as a child, what did your parents do to calm you down? 1. (ii) What do you do now when you are stressed or very upset? 2.How did your parents praise and reward you for good behaviour?
What shaped me to be who I am today? 3.How did your teachers praise and reward you for good behaviour? 4.Are you publicly or privately praised? 5.How did your parents punish you for you did something wrong? 6.How did your teachers punish you for something you did wrong?
What shaped me to be who I am today? 7.What did you like doing as a child but your parents / adults discouraged you from doing? Why? 8.How are you supposed to behave in people are around: a.Grandparents b.Aunties and uncles c.Teachers and authority figures d.People you’ve never met before / Foreigners e.Guests
What shaped me to be who I am today? 9.Do you help to set the tables or clear the dishes during meal times? 10.(i) Did you hug your parents when you were a child? 10. (ii)Do you hug your parents now that you’ve grown up?