Maps for year end test review
89. Which physical feature is labeled D on the map? a. Red Sea c. Persian Gulf b. Strait of Hormuz d. Arabian Sea
90. Which physical feature is labeled F on the map? a. Sahara Desert c. Ahaggar Mountains b. Saheld. Atlas Mountains
91. Which physical feature is labeled I on the map? a. Red Sea c. Persian Gulf b. Caspian Sea d. Arabian Sea
92. Which mountain range is signified by the letter C? a. Hindu Kush b. Himalaya c. Karakoram d. Eastern Ghats
a. Hindu Kush b. Indus River c. Karakoram d. Ganges River Which physical feature is signified by the letter D?
94. Where is the letter F located? a. Sea of Japan b. Bay of Bengal c. South China Sea d. East China Sea
95. Which physical feature is represented by the letter H? a. Mount Fuji b. Gobi c. Plateau of Tibet d. Taklimakan
96. Which physical feature is represented by the letter B? a.Huang He b.Chang Jiang c.Mekong River d.Irrawaddy River
97. Which country is represented by the letter G? a. Cambodia b. Laos c. Thailand d. Japan
98. Which country is represented by the letter H? a. China b. Philippines c. Thailand d. Japan
99. Which country is represented by the letter F? a. China b. Philippines c. Thailand d. Japan
a. French Polynesia c. Marshall Islands b. New Zealand d. Australia 100. Which country is represente d by the letter H?
a. French Polynesia b. Marshall Islands c. Federated States of Micronesia d. Tuvalu 101. Which country is represented by the letter I?
a. French Polynesia c. Marshall Island b. New Zealand d. Australia 102. Which country is represente d by the letter D?
103. Which letter is located on Venezuela? a. J c. G b. A d. F
104. Which letter is located on El Salvador? a. E c. G b. I d. F
105. Which letter is located on Argentina? a. J c. G b. H d. F
106. Which physical feature is labeled D on the map? a. Lake Erie c. Lake Superior b. Lake Huron d. Lake Ontario
107. Which letter signifies Hudson Bay? a. G c. C b. A d. D
108. Which physical feature is labeled E on the map? a. Mount Mitchell c. Ohio River b. Appalachians d. Piedmont