Math Action Planning Team Math Objective: #1 By the academic year, all Easton Area School District students will demonstrate increased mathematics knowledge and skills.
Math Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations K-12 alignment of standards Continuation of 4-sight testing Implementation of 4-sight assessment data Launch of “Study Island” program Expansion of Powerbooks utilization as projectors New acquisition of technological equipment and software as additional resources for differentiated math instruction Technology offers alternative instructional strategies to present standards in another venue Continued use of “Math 24”
Math Action Planning Team SMS Commendations Achievement of NCLB/AYP goal in moving SMS from School Improvement II to “Making Progress” EAMS Commendations Increased instructional time for grade 6 Hired math coach
Math Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Recommendations Increase staff to maintain appropriate class size Increase math instructional/remediation time SMS Recommendation Nutritional snacks during PSSA testing Perfect attendance rewards during PSSA testing EAMS Recommendation Continued training for Math Investigations - grade 5
Literacy Action Planning Team Literacy Objective: #2 By the academic year, all Easton Area School District students will demonstrate increased reading knowledge and skills.
Literacy Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations K-12 alignment of standards Continuation of 4-sight testing Implementation of 4-sight assessment data Revised PSSA reading/writing rubric available to all subject area teachers to help increase PSSA scores Hired literacy consultant
Literacy Action Planning Team SMS Commendations Achievement of NCLB/AYP goal in moving SMS from School Improvement II to “Making Progress” Expansion of Read 180 program to include more students and hired additional staff member EAMS Commendations Increased reading time Implementation of new Scott-Foreman Reading Program
Literacy Action Planning Team SMS Recommendation Student achievement/mentoring program after-school should be continued due to change in personnel
Citizenship Action Planning Team Citizenship Objective: #3 By the academic year, all students of the Easton Area School District will be better citizens of their school & community by demonstrating to a higher degree the core ethical values of caring, honesty, fairness, responsibility, trust, respect, and citizenship.
Citizenship Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations Positive incentive behavior modification programs - Josten’s Renaissance Program (SMS) - Great Expectations (EAMS) Increased availability of documents translated into Spanish
Literacy Action Planning Team SMS Commendations Creation of teacher web pages for entire staff Continuation of Student of the Month program EAMS Commendations Anti-bullying program Organized hallways and stairwells
Citizenship Action Planning Team SMS/EAMS Recommendations Develop an on-going plan of in-service to train staff in areas of school/parent communication, safe school environments, and diversity Maintain accurate data on established baseline levels regarding suspensions Implementation of district-wide discipline referral page
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #1 Philosophy, Mission, Beliefs, and/or Objectives SMS/EAMS Commendations AFG posters/mission statements are posted in all classrooms, upon entering the building, and discussed at faculty meetings to instill a clear understanding of the PMBO. EAMS Recommendation Increase communications with all groups within the school community.
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #2 Governance and Leadership SMS/EAMS Commendation There is open communication between administrators via coordinator meetings. Weekly administrator meetings EAMS Recommendation Specific Code of Conduct needed Continuity needed in 5th and 6th grade team configurations
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #3 Organizational Design and Staff SMS/EAMS Commendations Communication improvements made via Friday Update, coordinator meetings and “open door” policy Improvement in organization of professional development/ihours. SMS/EAMS Recommendation Increase relevant professional development EAMS Recommendation Increase communication among various schools
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #4 Educational Programs SMS/EAMS Commendation Curriculum maps are in use and aligned with standards EAMS Commendation Effective use of teaming model SMS Recommendation Increased opportunity for lower ability students to socially and academically interact with higher ability students Combination of computer carts and computer lab is needed
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #5 Learning Media and Services SMS/EAMS Commendations New technology improvement: Power School, highly qualified library and technology staff, library effective research tool. SMS/EAMS Recommendations Additional and reliable photocopier Develop curriculum that integrates research Improve use of technology skills for library resources EAMS Recommendation One computer cart per team
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #6 Students Services SMS/EAMS Commendations Health, well-being, and non-academic needs are key considerations of faculty SMS Recommendation More involvement of building administration in the hiring of special education teachers EAMS Recommendation Better communication needed between the central office and guidance when placing students with special needs during the school year
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #7 Student Life and Activities SMS/EAMS Commendations Mutual respect among all members of the school community SMS Recommendation Explore alternative funding options EAMS Recommendation Continue to offer more opportunities to appreciate cultural diversity and instill pride in the school
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #8 Facilities SMS/EAMS Commendations Safe environment - inviting, warm, and has a positive tone SMS/EAMS Recommendation Need for an additional and reliable photocopier to address the diverse instructional needs of every type of learner. EAMS Recommendation Access pad needed on the 13th Street side of the building
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #9 Health & Safety SMS/EAMS Commendations Strong security presence Well-maintained school plant SMS/EAMS Recommendations Continue to update staff on emergency plans on a yearly basis Nutritional meals/salad bar for faculty
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #10 Finance Team SMS/EAMS Commendations Availability of summer school programs serving at-risk students - Summer School program (SMS) - Summer Sizzle program (EAMS) PTA funding several programs Accessed financial resources through community partnerships (EAMS) SMS Recommendation Need for improvement in the logistics of the new supply ordering processes to ensure all ordered supplies are delivered to appropriate individual(s).
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #11 Assessment of Student Learning SMS/EAMS Commendation Curriculum mapping has been a great benefit to provide consistency when preparing students for the assessments. (SMS) Student records are complete and well-maintained (EAMS) EAMS Recommendations Need alternative education for Grade 5 (EAMS) Intervention ideas to help students who are academically struggling
AFG Standards SMS/EAMS - Standard #12 Planning Team SMS/EAMS Commendations Committed to school improvement (AFG involvement) Periodic review of school improvement and strategic plan Continued knowledge of staff to the district strategic plan SMS Recommendations Continued exposure of staff to district strategic plans in order to increase awareness Publisher training for new textbook series EAMS Commendation Awareness of district strategic plan