Governor Thomas Johnson High School AYP/ HSA Results for the School Year
Adequate Yearly Progress No Child Left Behind Act Purpose; to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. (2008) In all Maryland schools, this law is enforced through both the Maryland State Assessments and the High School Assessments. At the high school level, in order to be considered proficient in accordance with AYP, the school must pass both the English 10 and the Algebra High School Assessments
High School Assessment Results for English 10 Special Education population scored the lowest White and the Asian/ Pacific Islander populations scored the highest
High School Assessment Results for Algebra White and the Asian/ Pacific Islander populations scored the highest Special Education population scored the lowest
Governor Thomas Johnson High School Data Analysis The graphs clearly reveal two common trends for the HSA results The schools strongest subgroups for both English 10 and Algebra are the White and Asian/ Pacific Islander populations The schools weakest subgroup for both English 10 and Algebra is Special Education
Conclusion Positives! The school continues to meet AYP We have a number of outstanding subgroups who continue to score very well on both the reading and the math tests We perform at the passing level along with Tuscarora High School, Frederick High School, the County averages and the State averages
Conclusion Negatives The Special Education subgroup continues to perform almost 10% lower than the other subgroups in both Math and English HSA’s An intervention plan needs to be implemented
Math and Reading Intervention Plan Decide on which subgroup to predominately focus; for TJ this will be Special Education Lay out an intervention plan; pull students once a week to work on individually improving their math and reading skills Decide on the intervention technology resources; be sure they are high school appropriate and selected based on the need of the student. Kurzweil or Read 180 for English 10 and Cognitive Tutor for Algebra.
Math and Reading Intervention Plan Decide how often to formatively and summatively assess students; formatively once a month for the duration of the intervention plan and summatively at the end of each term Assess the data; based on the assessment scores, what can be continued or changed in order to better serve the students
Teacher Technology Intervention In addition to pulling the students from the classroom, it will also be valuable to educate all teachers on the benefits of technology in the classroom. By giving them the resources and training on how to incorporate technology resources into lessons, the teachers are more able to meet the needs of the Special Education Students. Some of these technology resources include Assistive Technology Web 2.0 tools Adaptive Equipment Software licenses and subscriptions