August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Get your binder or your work from your file Take your bell work out 5 minutes Two of the zones in the R180 software are the ____ & the ____.
August 28, 2012 Today’s Objectives Show what we know about the previewing process Practice doing homework logs Preview & checkout Read180 books Organize our binders Think about possible themes in Jade Green
August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Put your papers out of sight (in your binders) for QUIZ. 15 minutes During a quiz, students are silent Students who are talking appear to be cheating & get zeroes. When you are done, look through the books I bring you...
August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Practice Homework Log-from your binder 15 minutes We will also use this activity to preview more books. Afterwards, you can check out books.
August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Book Checkouts 10 minutes It's okay if you already have another book for your homework log. You will receive your homework logs for the quarter-TAKE THEM HOME!!
August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Binder Table of Contents 5 minutes Please follow along & fill out your table of contents.. Number the items you have- some items have not been returned to you yet.
August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Jade Green 25 minutes Last pre-reading activity. Anticipation guide: Follow along to complete handout Line-up structure
August 28, 2012 Read180-Friday 8/31/12 Wrap-up: 20 minutes Something I found interesting today was _____ because Complete Weekly Wrap-up Friday Class Meeting- - Fantastic cheer