Jennifer Kusch, PhD Simon Griesbach, MD Before Rotation Introductory Essentials for Faculty (BRIEF): A Pilot Project in Collaboration with the Faculty Development Master Educator Program
Presentation Objectives Session attendees will be able to: – Describe how video introductions may expedite student- preceptor teaching – Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the BRIEF design – Consider ways which the BRIEF may be used at their academic institution or clinic 2
Overview of Presentation 3 PART 1: Feasibility Project – Background – Approach – Results PART 2: Testing the BRIEF – Approach – Results Limitations & Next Steps
Background 4 National perspective: – Survey of AAMC attendees “Pre-certification of student’s competence” identified as potentially useful tools Local perspective: – Reports from preceptors and students Current system provides little insight/benefit
Solutions Efficient and user-friendly communication tool for ECLs and preceptors prior to their first meeting Efficient transmission of baseline capabilities and unique characteristics of ECLs prior to their first preceptor/clinic encounter (Note: ECLs=M1, M2 students) Utilize this knowledge to allow for both early integration of the ECL into the clinical setting and devise an early individualized learning plan 5
PART 1: Feasibility Test 6 Videos created by 26 first year medical students (comprises the entire cohort of entering class) Electronically surveyed on ease of video creation – Response rate: 26/26=100% Results – Overall, students thought BRIEF would provide good starting point for preceptors to get to know them
PART 2: Testing the BRIEF 7 Approach – Convenience sample of 4 students + 4 preceptors – Test environment in middle of Clinical Apprenticeship Course, a course designed to immerse ECLs in clinical environment by pairing them with an attending preceptor
Interview and Survey Questions Preceptor (Interview Questions)Student (Survey Questions) 8 Did you view the profile and were you able to understand what was being communicated? Could you see this video being helpful to improving the preceptor/ECL educational experience? How so? How does this BRIEF compare to the current system for ECL background information sharing? Is the BRIEF easy to use? How could we make it better? Was the time you spent reviewing the video worth it? How might you change your teaching strategy after viewing the BRIEF? Would you use the BRIEF if it was offered routinely in the future? I found the instructions to making my student profile video. The process of creating the BRIEF video helped me articulate what unique attributes I bring to my longitudinal clinical experience. The process of creating the BRIEF video helped me communicate what learning methods work best for me. Completing the video was an easy process. I feel the video BRIEF would provide a good starting point for preceptors to get to know more about me before I begin my longitudinal clinical experience. What barriers do you foresee with implementation of this pilot project? What strengths do you think this project would offer to your clinical's educational experience? Do you think your preceptor knows you better after viewing your profile video? Did your preceptor teach to your baseline knowledge and skills based on your described clinical experiences? Did your preceptor use teaching methods matched to the learning style you indicated as your preference?
Results of Test Run 9 PreceptorsEarly Clinical Learners (ECLs) – In General, all felt BRIEF: Was “worth it" Provided return on time investment Was better than previous methods Was strengthened by inclusion of learning styles – Concerns Length of video (60-90 second maximum) Size of video/technology – MB file size when recorded on iPad – Indicated success of pilot Clear instructions Easy to use Improved communication with preceptor Improved educational experience Preceptor taught to learning style – ECLs indicated successful self-discovery as well – Barriers Technology Concern preceptor would not view Discomfort with making video
Conclusions 10 – EFFICIENCY. Preceptors want a concise (1 minute or less) strategy to assess baseline learner competence. – EFFICIENCY/VALUE. ECLs find BRIEF easy to make and a valuable tool. – VALUE. Preceptors feel video introductions are worth their time if brief enough— provide valuable information about backgrounds of ECLs in a short amount of time. – POSITIVE IMPACT. Video introductions that outline baseline skills and goals have a positive impact on preceptors. – TEACHING. Video BRIEFs may not alter preceptors’ teaching. – INFORMATIVE. ECLs appreciate that the BRIEF takes into account learning styles and aids ECLs in communicating background information to preceptors before they arrive to the clinic on the first day.
Limitations & Next Steps Limitations – Sample size for feasibility study was relatively small, though captured entire medical student cohort (N=26) – Sample size for testing the BRIEF was very small, convenience (N=8) – BRIEF, as currently structured, is not very interactive Next Steps – Further develop BRIEF template for students – Continue to explore most efficient method(s) of distribution of videos to preceptors – Test BRIEF with larger, more representative sample Things we would change--Give students time to think about contents of BRIEF ahead of time and formulate their responses. Have students create the video on their own time. 11
Acknowledgements 12 MaryAnn Gilligan, MD Theresa Maatman, MD Tara Petersen, MD Faculty Development Master Educator Program Partial funding for this project is provided by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), grant no. D55HP This content & conclusions are those of the authors and should not be construed as the official position or policy, nor any endorsements be inferred.
Thank You 13 Jennifer Kusch, PhD Simon Griesbach, MD