CITRUS LEAFMINER Phyllocnistis citrella
Contents: Family, Order Identification (eggs, larvae, adults) Damage Control Family, Order Identification (eggs, larvae, adults) Damage Control
Family, Order Family: Gracillariidae Order: Lepidoptera Family: Gracillariidae Order: Lepidoptera
Identification (Eggs & Larvae) Eggs are minute and Transparent Larvae are leg-less, pale yellow in colour Eggs are minute and Transparent Larvae are leg-less, pale yellow in colour
Identification (Adult) Adult is a tiny moth, Silvery white in color Fore and hind wings have a fringe of hair Adult is a tiny moth, Silvery white in color Fore and hind wings have a fringe of hair
Damage Active Throughout the year Larvae mine into young leaves Form Zig-Zag galleries between upper and lower leaf layers Causes infection of citrus canker Active Throughout the year Larvae mine into young leaves Form Zig-Zag galleries between upper and lower leaf layers Causes infection of citrus canker
Control Collection & burning of mined leaves Spray of 2% neem extract Bifenthrin and Imidacloprid can also be used Collection & burning of mined leaves Spray of 2% neem extract Bifenthrin and Imidacloprid can also be used