Erica Holmes, CHC, MS, QMHP Housing Specialist Virginia Supportive Housing
Housekeeping Class introduction (name, agency, role in agency, one thing you do to manage stress)
Possible Affordable Housing Options Homeless Services Housing Barriers/Overcoming Barriers Basic Tenant and Landlord Rights (Fair Housing) Working with Landlords (Outreach) Review Assignment
What is Permanent Housing? Housing which is intended to be the tenant’s home for as long as they choose. Permanent Housing Options Affordable Rental Housing Conventional Rental Properties Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Public Housing Property Based Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher HUD- VASH-voucher w/ ongoing case management Shelter Plus Care- voucher w/ case management Central Virginia Resource Center (CVRC) VHDA/RRHA
FMRs (fair market rent) are determined by HUD FMRs function primarily to control costs. FMRs also help ensure reasonableness in the Section 8 assisted housing program. FMRs helped low-income households obtain better rental housing because public housing and substandard housing is excluded from housing choices. AMI (area median income)- The midpoint family income from a metropolitan area or a non-metropolitan county, calculated each year by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for use in determining eligibility for housing programs. (this amount reflects the amount a family can not exceed to be eligible for a particular housing program) Fair Market Rent Summary Efficiency One- Bedroom Two- Bedroom Three- Bedroom Four- Bedroom $795$835$966$1,276$1,557 Richmond city, Virginia. FY2016 FMRs
What Permanent Housing resources are out there in the community?
Rental properties that fall under FMRs for the area ** more and more properties are over FMR** Large apartment complexes “Mom and Pop” property owners to include smaller apartment complexes Single family Homes
Owners of participating properties receive valuable tax credits in return for keeping their buildings safe, decent and affordable. A property must have at least 20% of its units rented to households with incomes of 50% or less that the area median income (AMI) OR at least 40% of the units rented to households with incomes of 60% or less than the AMI. (AMI is determined by HUD) Households income determines if they qualify based on household size, the number of bedrooms and AMI. Tax credit participants usually make less than 30% of the AMI Ex. Better Housing Coalition
Property is owned by a government housing authority, which may be central or local. Property is usually managed by the government authority. Public housing can also be social housing. rental housing which may be owned and managed by the state, by non-profit organizations, or by a combination of the two, usually with the aim of providing affordable housing. Assist very low-income families and individuals, homeless, the elderly, and the disabled Ex. Mosby Court, Whitcomb Ct
Government-funded program that provides rental housing to low- income households in privately owned and managed rental units. The subsidy stays with the building; when you move out, you no longer have the rental assistance. Types of properties can vary including single-family homes, townhomes, or apartments. Rental payment is based on approximately 30% of households income. Can assist very low-income families and individuals, homeless, the elderly, and the disabled. PHA has authority to chose preference on whom it may serve Other property based rental assistance programs: Section 811 -Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities program Section Supportive Housing for the Elderly For additional information on more Property based go to
Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program for Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Dwellings for Homeless Individuals Provides Section 8 rental assistance/HCV to buildings with SRO units Subsidy connected to property These PHAs make Section 8 rental assistance payments to participating owners (i.e., landlords) on behalf of homeless individuals who rent the rehabilitated dwellings. The rental assistance payments cover the difference between a portion of the tenant's income (normally 30%) and the unit's rent, which must be within the fair market rent (FMR) established by HUD.fair market rent (FMR) Eligible Grantees are public housing agencies and private nonprofit organizations. -Nonprofit organizations must subcontract with public housing agencies to administer the rental assistance
Can assist very low-income families and individuals, homeless, elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. PHA has authority to chose preference on whom it may serve Households can locate their own housing as long as it meets the requirements of the program. (HQS) and (FMR) Landlord must also agree to participate in program. Subsidy is paid directly to the landlord and family pays the difference between the amount of subsidy and the actual rent. Tenant portion is usually approximately 30% of household income. Shelter Plus Care CVRC VHDA RRHA
Combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Veterans who are appropriate for this program must be VA health care eligible Veterans, low income, be homeless, and need case management services (mental illness, substance abuse, and/or physical disabilities). Provides permanent housing for eligible homeless Veterans who are single or eligible homeless Veterans with families. Veterans can apply by contacting local VA homeless services.
Prevention Rapid Rehousing Permanent Supportive Housing SSVF (Supportive Services for Veteran Families) Homeless Point of Entry (Commonwealth Catholic Charities) Shelter Referrals
What are some common barriers to Permanent housing? Criminal Histories (sex offenders) Credit Issues or no credit Little or no income Previous Evictions/ Rental Judgments Unpaid utility bills Not knowing where to look or knowing what’s available Verifiable (ID & SS Card)
Fugitive felons, parole violators and persons fleeing to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction, for a crime, or attempt to commit a crime, that is a felony under the laws of the place from which the individual flees; Persons convicted for producing Methamphetamine on federal assisted housing property; Sex offenders who are required by law to maintain permanent/lifetime registration with a State program; Persons evicted from federally assisted housing for drug-related criminal activity less that 3 years ago, unless the tenant successfully completes a rehabilitation program approved by a PHA or the circumstances for the eviction no longer exist. ***You may still be able to obtain a HCV but limited housing choices***
Newspaper/Apartment Guide HOME’s Affordable Housing Guide Craigslist Networking – Landlord Luncheon “Mom and Pop” vs. “Big Business”
Houses & apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains high levels of lead. Federal law requires that individuals receive certain information before renting, buying, or renovating pre-1978 housing. Landlords most disclose known information about lead-based paint and lead –based paint hazards before a signed lease. Lease most have a disclosure about lead-based paint.
As a tenant or landlord you have certain rights and obligations under the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. wnership/PDFs/Landlord_Tenant_Handbook.pdf *Duplexes or houses may or may not be covered, depending on the lease and the number of properties owned by the landlord.
Landlord has the right to charge application fee and/or security deposit Landlord has the right to reasonable entry of the apartment Landlord has the right to evict for violation of lease agreement Landlords most provide a decent, safe and sanitary living condition Landlords can not screen your applicants any differently than anyone else
Tenant has a right to proper notices from landlord –rent increase/decrease, entry to apartment, eviction notice, etc. Tenant has a right to a certain level of security Tenant has a right to copy of lease and account ledge/history Tenant must follow the rules & regulations of the lease agreement
The Fair Housing Law Every person has the right to be treated fairly in their search for a place to live. A landlord cannot take into account a person’s race, color, religion, national origin, familial status or sex when making a decision about whether or not to rent to a person. A landlord cannot take into account any disability a person may have, the fact that he/she has children, or your age if you are 55 or older.
Successful Landlord Relationships Think Like A Sales Person Landlord Benefits Honesty Target “small” Landlords Local Landlord Associations/Advisory Group Positive Reputation Strategic about Placements Remain Neutral/Practice Patience
Communication Pay rent on time Pay utilities/make sure utilities remain on Report maintenance request Understand the lease agreement Follow the rules of the lease agreement Treat you neighbors as you’d like to be treated Never withhold rent
Homeless Point of Entry Central Intake Substance Abuse Recovery Richmond Outreach Center Good Samaritan Inn (for men) Victims of Domestic Violence Safe Harbor YWCA Legal Help United Way Dial – 211 or
Think about what your process would be if a client is faced with violating their lease agreement. This could be because of loud noises, housekeeping concerns, or unauthorized tenants. What if the tenant has a mental illness? Think about your clients current housing crises and if it can be helped by PSH, Rapid Rehousing, Prevention or SSVF funds/programs. Your client has $600 month income, recent eviction, and criminal history do you know of any properties in the area that will lease to them? What if they have a dog?
Affordable housing website – Housing First – Pathways to Housing Video NAEH video on ending family homelessness VHDA – HUD- RRHA – HOME – affordable housing guide -
Erica Holmes: