1 The academic discourse - a challenge for both students and teachers Leif Karlsson, Kristianstad University, Learning Resource Centre Bodil Lennvig, Kristianstad University Learning Resource Centre
2 The starting point The overall aim of the project was to develop students' general skills and to enhance their employability
3 Överstsbild Ämne 1 Högskoleverket Swedish national Agency for Higher Education
4 Indicator 1b Employability Definition: ‘Employability is taken as a set of achievements skills, understandings and personal attributes – that make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy.’ (Yorke 2004, 7) Högskoleverket Swedish national Agency or Higher Education
5 Examples of generic/transferable skills The ability to: – Identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously (HE Act 1:8) – Adapt to change in working life (HE Act 1:8) – Work as part of a team (together with other specialists) – Set priorities and time manage their own activities – Communicate orally and in writing – Search for, select and evaluate information – Explore collect, analyse and interpret data – Identify student’s own learning needs Högskoleverket Swedish national Agency for Higher Education
6 The underlying idea behind the project The project, a starting point to make both teachers and students engaged in a long term open, democratic, critical academic discourse
7 Developing the model Planning meetings with teachers from the three Study Programs Focus groups with students from all three Study Programs Feedback from focus group interviews to teachers "Perspective Shift" from considering students as "carriers of problems" to be more focused on teaching and learning
8 The students model for the academic year 2009/10 (1) Semester 1 – three themes Higher Education - to develop critical skills, reflection and employability The student as participant in the academic discourse Writing linked to major course assignment
9 The students model for the academic year 2009/10 (2) Semester 2 – four themes Writing in the course context (continued from autumn) Same as above, but linked to a larger writing assignment Oral presentations - in association with a major assignment Two lectures/sessions with training and feedback on an oral presentation task
10 The teachers model for the academic year 2009/10 Seminars autumn 2009 Critical Thinking Higher education - to develop critical skills, reflection and employability Seminars spring 2010 To develop students general skills - experience from the teachers own pedagogical practices
11 Reflections and Conclusions Support to continue the work with the participating Study Programs A necessary change of perspective The importance of involving students The importance of involving teachers
12 To be continued… Increasing joint activities - teachers and students participating in joint seminars and workshops New themes (approaches) Flexible modules
13 Questions and remarks?