New educational model in Slovakia Maria Nogova National Institute of Education Bratislava
Learning today and working in future
How the pupils learn?
The Educational Model 1st level State Educational Program Compulsory content, garanteed by state. The output from education is defined by content and performance standards 70% of total number of hours
1st level State Educational Program 2nd level School Educational Program Compulsory content, garanteed by state. The output from education is defined by content and performance standards Program garanteed by school. The content of school program is developed by each school itself 70% of total number of hours 30% of total number of hours The Educational Program
New direction in education UNESCO International Committee 4 pillars Learn to know Learn to act Learn to be Learn to live among people
New direction in education UNESCO International Committee 4 pillars Learn to know Learn to act Learn to be Learn to live among people Objectives in national curriculum Learn to know Learn to act Learn to evaluate Learn to communicate and understand
Three dimension of the educational model Purpose To survive To develop own´s capabilities To live and work in dignity To participate in development of society To improve the quality of one´s life, To make informed decisions, To continue learning (Unesco, 1993)
Three dimension of the educational model Purpose Objectives and key competencies To survive To develop own´s capabilities To live and work in dignity To participate in development of society To improve the quality of one´s life, To make informed decisions, To continue learning (Unesco, 1993)
Three dimension of the educational model Purpose Objectives and key competencies Content To survive To develop own´s capabilities To live and work in dignity To participate in development of society To improve the quality of one´s life, To make informed decisions, To continue learning ( Unesco, 1993)
Content of Education Social and cultural content Goals and needs of learning +
Content of Education Social and cultural content Goals and needs of learning Social and cultural heritage Achievements in science and technology Personal development +
Content of Education Social and cultural content Goals and needs of learning Social and cultural heritage Achievements in science and technology Personal development + Content section is comprised from learning areas, subjects and crosscurricular themes
Cross-Curricular themes Learning areas Subjects
Learning Areas Language and communication Matematics and informatics Man and nature Man and society Man and value The word of labour Physical education and sport Art and culture
State Educational Program - subjects Learning AreasSubjects Language and CommunicationSlovak language Foreign language Mathematics and InformaticsMathematics Informatics Man and SocietyCivic. History Geography Man and NatureBiologhy Chemistry Physics Man and ValueEthics/ religion ed. Physical and sportPhysical ed and sport Art and cultureArt (fine art, music) The world of labourtechnologhy
Design of National Curriculum Learning areas Subject Language and Communication Slovak language st foreign language nd foreign language 2222 Mathematics and Informatics Mathematics 4331 Informatics 1110 Man and natureBiology 2310 Chemistry 2221 Physics Free hours 44715
How the teachers welcome the reform? Results: 40% teachers believe, that it is difficult to develop a school educational program
How the teachers welcome the reform? Results: 40% teachers believe, that it is difficult to develop a school educational program 32% teachers should be those, who realize the teaching process a should be focused on methods of teaching rather than on development of pedagogic documents
How the teachers welcome the reform? Results: 40% teachers believe, that it is difficult to develop a school educational program 32% teachers should be those, who realize the teaching process a should be focused on methods of teaching rather than on development of pedagogic documents For 15% teachers it was easy
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