KVM Verification KVM uses StackMaps generated by the preverifier to verify the trustworthiness of unknown classes. Relatively easy to process on the device, but probably as secure as J2SE verification. Generating verification info is difficult, but making sure it is correct is easy.
Consequences It is not necessary to bring J2SE style verification to a J2ME device. We will be pursuing a different project from now on.
Downloading Classes from Peers Many To Many Protocol Lightweight Class Loading Framework Wireless Data Communication
Many to Many Use M2M broadcast communication to request and retrieve classes from nearby devices I want a class
Many to Many All devices that are capable of responding send back an answer Thank you
Reliability Communication is with multiple peers. Redundancy increases reliability over an unreliable link. Checksums to ensure that class files aren’t corrupted.
M2MP Traits Messages are broadcasted to all devices. No need for device addresses. Messages broadcasted within a certain range. Flood the broadcast medium with data packets.
Anhinga Project Goal Dynamic classloading via M2MP Ethernet –Testing grounds for dynamic classloading via M2MP using UDP
Dynamic Class Loading Class loaders implement an interface with a single method DefaultM2M Multicast Our Class Loader
Server Architecture Responds to class file requests Transmits checksum along with the file Exact protocol not yet determined