04 Ideology & Resistance Japan During WWII HISTR 365 Joel Legassie “Allegory of the New Fighting the Old,” c. 1870, Printing Museum News N36 Japan During WWII HISTR 365 Joel Legassie Japan During WWII HISTR 365 Joel Legassie
Was the Genr ō 's plan to create Japanese nationalism successful? 1869 Yasukuni Shrine established 1882 Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors 1890 Imperial Rescript on Education 1910 High Treason Incident 1925 Public Security Preservation Law 1932 Ketsumeidan Incident (March); May 15 Incident 1940 Imperial Rule Assistance Association Founded Timeline
國体 “Japanese civilians bow as Emperor Hirohito’s motorcade passes by,” c In Leo J. Daughtery III, Fighting Techniques of a Japanese Infantryman. Staplehusrt: Spellmount, 2002, 18. “Japanese Schoolgirls Marching in Formation,” Asahi Gurafu, Kokutai Four Arms State Shinto Education and Propaganda Civil Control Militarization
Kageyama K ō y ō, “Mogas’ Beach Pajama Style,” Kani Kousen (Movie Poster), “Purple dress beauty” for Sapporo Beer, 1931 Resistance “Iwane Matsui Rides into Nanjing.” The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. Moriyasu Murase, “Bodies of victims along Qinhuai River out of Nanjing's west gate during Nanjing Massacre,” Socialists, anarchists, communists Liberals Consumerism Right-wing activists “Kanno Sugako,” from Sharon Sievers, Flowers in Salt, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983, 73.
國家神道 State Shinto “Hirohito at Yasukuni Shrine,” Photographic Weekly Report, Imperial Household Agency, “Hirohito at his Coronation,” 1928.
United States Navy, “Drawing of a "Fukuryu" Fighter divingsuit,” USNTMJ S-91(N) “EI Bei Shobō Suihō (Purging Western Thought), Manga, In John Dower, War Without Mercy, Neww York: Pantheon, 1986, 191. Education and Propaganda “Shōjo Club (Jan 1940, October 1941). The calligraphy depicted in the left image says: “Annihilate the British and Americans.”
“Cabinet Information Bureau,” Asia Rekishi Shiryo Center A Civil Control Tokubetsu keibitai (Tokyo Police Special Forces),” c in Keisatsu ch ō, Keisatsu ch ō hyakunen no ayumi (One Hundred Years of Police History), Tokyo Keishicho Soritsu Hyakunen Kinen Gyoji Un'ei Iinkai, 1974.