B ELL WORK 15 AND 16 1/12/16- 2/5/16
W HAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ? 1/12/16 What is the difference between groundwater and an aquifer? How are they similar?
W HAT ARTHROPOD AM I ? 1/14/16 A. crustacean B. arachnidC. centipede D. millipedeE. insect 1. I have 3 body sections, six legs, and one pair of antennae. I have wings, but not all of us do. What am I? 2. I have 2 or 3 body sections and 2 pair of antennae. Most of us live in water. What am I? 3. I have 2 body sections. I have no antennae but 8 legs. What am I?
W ATER CYCLE TERMS 1/15/16 Which of the following terms are opposite of each other and why? (may not use all words) precipitationcondensation depositioncollection evaporationsublimation
C AUSE AND EFFECT 2/1/16 Cause: Your dog gets curious about a black and white creature outside and startles it…. What is a possible effect?
W HICH DOES NOT BELONG ? 2/2/16 Each set of examples includes an animal from a different class than the other three. Identify the animal that doesn’t belong in within the same class. (Can just write # and animal that doesn’t belong) 1. turtle frog snake alligator 2. salamander frog newt whale 3. human horse bat penguin 4. blue jay eagle rabbit penguin 5. shark trout salmon swordfish
W EB MASTER 2/4/16 Use the organisms below to make a food web. Use arrows to show how the energy moves through the food web. Coyotedeer froggrass grasshopperowlrabbit snake
M AY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU 2/5/16 Write the correct word from the parentheses that would make the statement true. 1. The process in which particles settle out and come to rest is ( erosion, deposition). 2. (Gravity, Friction) is the force that moves sediment downhill. 3. A fast movement of sediment and water downhill is a (mudflow, creep). 4. Valleys that have been carved out by a glacier usually have the shape of a (V, U). 5. The sediment from a river often creates a (meander, delta) where the river slows down and enters a large body of water.