Revelations 8 Ravi Chandran
Introduction Please view online messages to be up to date. We talked about the 7 churches, 7 seals and 7 trumpets. The war between the Kingdom the God and the satan’s counterfeit kingdom becomes clearer. We will try and look into the transitional chapters before moving on the to 7 bowls of Judgment.
The Woman and the dragon – Rev 12:1-17 Woman – Israel Child – Messiah Dragon – Devil War in “Heaven” – 3 heavenly realms 4 designations: Dragon - monstrous character/enemy of God Serpent - clever deception of Eve Devil means "slanderer" Satan means "Adversary" (1 Pet. 5:8)
Beast out of sea and earth – Rev 13:1- 18 Sea (Nations) – Antichrist. His resemblance to a leopard, a bear, and a lion refer to the first three beasts in the vision of Daniel 7 (representing the empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece) Earth (Israel) – False Prophet. Getting others to worship the Antichrist Just as the dragon has already been anti-God and the first beast is anti-Christ, so the second beast will be anti-Holy Spirit.
Revelation – 14:1-20 The Lamb and the Not JW but God’s chosen faithful saints The three angels Message, Babylon and Judgement The harvest of the earth Wheat and weed
Conclusion From Chapter 15, we move into the 7 bowls of God’s wrath. Dramatic events unfold before the Millennium and final judgment. Stop playing church and be delivered from the deception of religion. Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and get your spiritual priorities in order. The seduction and intoxication of affluence breeds insensitivity to godliness.