Friday October 30, 2015 I will read Wonder to you! We need folders
“The Raven” by: Edgar Allan Poe Summary It is midnight on a cold evening in December in the 1840s. In a dark and shadowy bedroom, wood burns in the fireplace as a man laments the death of Lenore, a woman he deeply loved. To occupy his mind, he reads a book of ancient stories. But a tapping noise disturbs him. When he opens the door to the bedroom, he sees nothing–only darkness. When the tapping persists, he opens the shutter of the window and discovers a raven, which flies into the room and lands above the door on a bust of Athena (Pallas in the poem), the goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology. It says “Nevermore” to all his thoughts and longings. The raven, a symbol of death, tells the man he will never again ("nevermore") see his beloved, never again hold her–even in heaven.
What does lament mean? verb 1. to feel or express sorrow or regret for: to lament his absence. 2. to mourn for or over. noun 3. an expression of grief or sorrow. 4. a formal expression of sorrow or mourning, especially in verse or song; an elegy or dirge How is it used in the sentence? “…a man laments the death of Lenore, a woman he deeply loved.”
“The Raven” by: Edgar Allan Poe ListenListen as it’s read to you by Christopher Walken!
“The Raven” by: Edgar Allan Poe Rhyme scheme. Let’s do this together!
“The Raven” by: Edgar Allan Poe We are going to put on our lens to see the DESCRIPTION that Poe chooses to use in the poem. As we locate the description, we will right Poe’s purpose for his word choice. Does it contribute to his characters, setting, mood (how YOU feel), etc.
“The Raven” ParodyThe Raven NOUN- an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect VERB- produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or genre)