The Reformation occurred during Renaissance times. There was split in the Catholic Church People began to question the church Intelligence + timing + printing press = protests
Renaissance Strong Monarchs Black Death Scientific Advancements Corruption in the Church
The church increased fees on common services like baptism and marriage to pay for these things Sold Indulgences: Lesson the time the soul would spend in purgatory. in the Middle Ages indulgences were passed out for good deeds, now they are being sold for money
German Priest Johann Tetzel sold indulgences to anyone who contributed money to build the new St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome o Indulgences would assure you entrance into heaven o Also allowed your dead relatives into heaven
People began to protest against corruption in the church In 1517, a German monk and professor of theology Martin Luther led a revolt. Luther was outraged that only the rich who could afford indulgences were allowed into heaven
Hung the “95 Theses” on Church door ▪ No basis for Indulgences in the Bible ▪ The Pope had no authority ▪ Christians could be saved only through faith Excommunicated by Pope Leo X Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor made it a crime to support Luther
Printing press spread ideas German Princes saw this as a way to break from Church rule Peasants revolted and took up Luther’s ideas in hope that things would change serfdom War in Germany between Charles V and Protestant Princes Peace of Augsburg Allowed each prince to decide which religion their land would follow
Translated parts of Bible, so everyone could read it All towns should have a school Banned indulgences Simplified mass. Clergy could marry
French lawyer and priest Had difficulties with the church teachings as well Preached Predestination The idea that God had long ago determined who would gain salvation How you live is a reflection of whether you have been chosen.
Theocracy– Government ran by the Church stressed hard work, discipline, thrift, honesty, and morality Citizens faced fines for fighting, swearing, laughing, in church, or dancing
In France, Calvinists are called Huguenots Huguenots and Catholics fight Expulsion of the Huguenots from Toulouse