International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 Busan – Building on MAPS A bilateral donor perspective Frances.


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Presentation transcript:

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 Busan – Building on MAPS A bilateral donor perspective Frances Harper Head of Profession for Statistics

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 Outline:  MAPS - successes & limitations  Busan  Opportunities  Actions  Suggestions

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 MAPS: successes  NSDS  Population census  MDG data  IHSN  Funding  Etc…

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 MAPS: limitations  NSDS (implementation?)  MDG data (modelled?)  Funding (sustainable?)  Didn’t go beyond statistical community

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 BUSAN: an opportunity  To build on success of MAPS  To address limitations :  Engaging non statisticians (so must be politically attractive)  Responding to policymakers (by supporting transparency, accountability & results)

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 With that in mind….. some (additional) thoughts on the actions.

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep Strengthen national statistical strategies Yes – crucial Consider  Language?  Increase availability & quality of national statistics  Through: NSDS implementation Enhanced coordination VRS, sectoral statistics, etc…

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep Global summits recognise stats capacity building needs Yes Consider  Risks (proliferation of indictor lists and ad-hoc scb initiatives?)  Emphasising the need to align with existing national processes  But, also to ensure they are responsive enough to emerging data needs  Two-way

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep Improve access to national data Yes  Politically attractive  Relatively quick win  Good practice to draw on

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep Increase knowledge & skills to use statistics effectively Yes – crucial Consider Need to increase skills of both: Statisticians (to improve our ability to engage with, understand and disseminate to users) Users (to increase their statistical literacy – targeted at specific types of user)

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep Improve access to international organisations’ and bilateral donors’ stats & research Yes  Another relatively quick win  Again, good practice to draw on

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep Ensure financing Yes Consider  More emphasis on domestic financing  Non traditional donors  Evidence of VfM in stats capacity building

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 Overall?  Excellent basis  Continue to strengthen:  Language (ensure attractive to non statisticians)  Actions (make as concrete and measurable as possible)  Remain ambitious

International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues & Challenges, Beijing Sep 2011 Thank you