All about the Fire Department By Royalty and Bay
FireFighters Fire-fighters are brilliant people because they don’t always fight fires. They also help people and scared animals that are stuck up tall trees. If you are in a car crash they will come and save you. If you need help dial 999.
Inside the fire engine Extended ladder- this is the biggest ladder they use. It is used to reach the tallest places like tall flats. Hose- the hose squirts water onto fires to hopefully flake it out. There are two types, one for small fires and one for big. Siren- The siren is use to know that they are coming. RTC Cutters- they are used to cut open cars in case anyone is stuck inside. They are also used for getting into houses and vans.
Safety in the bedroom Tip number one: Don’t leave your shiny DS near a open fire because it might heat up and cause a fire to start. Tip number two: Don’t leave hot hair dryers on the bed because it will be too hot and burn the covers. Tip number three: Don ‘t leave a DVD in the sun because it will reflect to the sun and it will make a fire. Tip number four: When you use a electrical thing do not leave it on when you have finished with it.
School and Fire Safety If there was a fire an adult would press the fire alarm red box and the sound would go around school. All people walk sensibly out of the school to meet on the playground. If you do not walk, you might fall over near the fire. If the lights weren’t working because the fire had burnt the wire, the emergency light will help you to lead you to the fire exit. Some times don,t forget don,t press the fire alarm for fun. You have evacuate the school and line up in the playground. Mr Day will ring 999 and everyone waits for the fire brigade.