High Performance Injection Moulding Contract No: COLL-CT SMEs High Performance Injection Moulding Contract No: COLL-CT Hipermoulding overview. Work progress presented at the Belgian meeting, 20/10/2006 based on summary presentations ASCAMM, CAMT, Centimfe, CRIF, Pera and TNO by CAMT/Centimfe Summary of the Work performed in M13-M18 for WP1 & WP5
2 National meeting 20/10/2006, Brussels. Program of the day. 14h00 Welcome and Introduction (Dirk De Moor, Agoria) 14h10 Summary of the Hipermoulding project and the work progress (Jacky Lecomte, CRIF) 14h30 Laser Cusing - A new rapid tooling technology using conformal cooling channels (De hr. Berends, JB Ventures, Nederland) 15h00 Validatiecase voorgesteld door de Poolse partners (Denis Gravet, CRIF) 15h45 Discussion 16h30 Drink
3 Content Work performed M13-M18 WP 1 – Thermal Management & CCC WP 2 – Manufacturing of HIPER tools WP 3 – High Performance Injection Moulding WP 4 – Cycle Time and Costing Analysis WP 5 - Training
4 LBMM Technology (DMLS, LENS, 3DP, DMD, etc...) Digital HIPERMOULDING MODULE Digital Moulding machine information Digital Material Digital Part requirements Digital Finishing Strategy Hipermoulding parameters Hipermoulds Digital
5 Hipermoulding Module
6 Hipermoulding Module: GUI Tree on the left side for navigation through the files and the sub-modules Window on the right contains current sub- module Pull-down menu for general commands and database maintenance Optional buttons on the bottom
7 Principle of Cooling Channel Planner Heat spot calculation At uniform distance from the mould surface Cooling channel grid Cooling channel search strategy Shortest path Heat seeking Longest path Channel validation Pressure drop Radius validation Modelling of cooling channel in PowerSHAPE Drive curve surface command
8 Cooling Channel Planner Channel strategies Shortest path Heat seeking Longest path Uses Dykstra algorithm Uses distance Minimize length of channel For connection of regions Uses modified Dykstra Heat replaces distance Hot points cost less effort For cooling of hot zones New algorithm Avoid moving closer to exit Uniform cooling of regions
9 CCP: difficulties How to cope with multiple channels? Crossing of multiple channels (e.g. jumping across channels) Keeping channels within a region Etc. Two sections: Yellow heat seeking Green is shortest path Two sections: Green changed to longest path How to control the behaviour? Two channels, no jumping: First one is limiting second
10 CCP: solution + new functionality Work in regions of the mould rather than complete mould Model sections (or parts) of channels Each section can use different channel diameter Each section can use different strategy Connect sections using separate connection grid Multiple solutions for connecting sections Parallel connection Serial connection Old New #1 New #2 New #3
11 Benchmark results Benchmark insert: roughness hardness accuracy resolution feasibility 120x120 mm 150x150 mm DMLS: H20, DM20, DS20 SLS 3D: A6/Bronze 3DP: S4/Bronze, S4H/Bronze, Tool steel (if available)
12 Benchmark results - CCC validity building powder removal no support leakage test DMLS DM20 OK KO (need sealing: resin clogging risk) DMLS DS 20 OK Ok but difficult (big cracks) OK PM S4OK
13 Test inserts results – DMLS DS H20 (1/2) Initial conditions Machine EOS M250 Xtended (ASCAMM) PSW 3.2 soft Offset: 1 mm Radius: 10mm Initial conditions Machine EOS M250 Xtended (CRIF) PSW 3.2 soft Offset: 1 mm Radius: 10mm Module (decrease the sintered volume)
14 Laminated tool 0,3 - 1 mm overdim. 1 – 2 mm overdim.Comments Limited CCC geometryNot finished Shotpeening Not finished Cracks Sealing No supports 18 –51 HRC20 HRC37 HRC39 HRC-27 HRC 95 HRB100 HRB110 HRB> 110 HRB65 HRB105 HRBHardness MPa MPa400 MPa682 MPaTensile str. ?450 ? (furnace) Building time (h) Cost (€) CL20CL50H20DM20R10 - S4Material Strato concConc Laser EOS DMLS PrometalProcess Test inserts (core + cavity) : 190 * 90 * 73 mm and 190 * 90 * 67 mm Comparison of LBMM methods for test inserts
15 Finishing of LBMM using EDM Objective: finishing using High Speed Machining and EDM Optimal electrode material selection Prometal S4electrode material E-Cu graphite EOS DM20electrode material graphite EOS DSH20 electrode material E-Cu graphite Trumpf DLF H11electrode material graphite Machine settings using standard EDM technology E.g Copper-Steel or Graphite-Steel technology Surface quality Target Ra 0.8 μm (18 CH) Not possible with Prometal S4 and EOS DM20 due to porosity of base material (
16 Finishing of Standard Test Mould Build in 6½ days; 10 cm 3 /hour EOS DMLS DM20 Test assembly of insert in bolster at TNO Digitisation of the inserts Removal of the base plate Measurement of the warpage Leakage test (porosity) Sealing of the inserts using epoxy Machining of reference surfaces Machining of the core and cavity surfaces Drilling and reaming of the ejector holes Drilling, reaming and tapping of all holes from the rear Machining the inserts to the exact height Final touch up of the clamping surfaces Shipping of the inserts and the bolster to Pera.
17 Recommandations & Next steps Approach for reduction of nr and size of cracks Extra test will be performed with H20 material EOS DM20 and PM for big inserts and/or small series Hardness improvements by coating if needed (big series) EOS H20 and Concept Laser (or other tool steel) Inserts as small as possible (small parts or hybrid moulds) Next Steps D2.6 Report on finishing strategies Finishing of mould surfaces by HSM D2.7 Test specimen of finished LBMM materials Finishing of test specimen by HSM & Finishing of Standard Test Mould
18 D3.2 Determine of the conditions for the Hipermoulding process Design of Experiments The objective of the work package is to establish a base line by measuring the performance of a ‘HIPERMOULDING’ insert in order to compare it with the conventional insert tested in WP 3.1. To achieve a direct comparison the work was carried out with the same equipment as that used for the tests on the conventional inserts: Moulding Machine Mould temperature controllers Thermocouples Flow sensors Pressure sensor The same make and grade of materials were also used.
19 Comparison Between Conventional and LBMM Inserts Both the steel used for the conventional insert and the DM20 material used in the LBMM insert have similar thermal conductivity (~ 30 W/mK) The water flow through both inserts is also similar: This, in conjunction with the information shown in the graphs, suggests that the conformal cooled inserts could facilitate a reduction in the cycle time of a mould; in addition, by broadening the process window, the quality and repeatability of the mouldings may also be improved. LBMM InsertConventional Insert Fixed HalfMoving HalfFixed HalfMoving Half 5.4 ltrs/min4.2 ltrs/min7.72 ltrs/min4.66 ltrs/min
20 D4.1: Validation geometries : 3D-CAD files of core & cavity of the three Aim: to validate the well behaviour of the HIPERMOULDING solution, from the cooling channels positioning to the cost analysis of using layer based manufacturing processes. Step 1: Definition of the framework to select the three geometries with relevance and interest for applying the HIPERMOULDING concepts Step 2: Selection of a geometries Step 3: Design of the 3D-CAD files of the core and insert per each case
21 Three national validation geometries (1/3) The Belgian case 2: Container in PP 26 x 36 x 53mm Thickness: 2 mm Tool material: steel (50HRc) Annual production required: parts/year Part very tiny: internal cooling very difficult Difficulties for ejection Series: reduction of the cycle time is important
22 44 x mm Thickness: 2.6 mm Production: parts/year t cycle : 32,4 s Three national validation geometries (2/3) The Polish case 2: LV switch cover in PA6 GF25
23 The Portuguese case: TS carrier for automotive in PA6+30%GF 56 x 48 x 36 mm Thickness: 0.7 – 1.9mm Production: parts/year t cycle : 26 s Why ? To achieve a shorter cycle time and homogeneous filling of the cavity Three national validation geometries (3/3)
24 Aim: to develop a methodology that can be used to measure the cycle time reduction and cost per part when using the HIPERMOULDING solution. Step 1: Definition of the methodology to be implemented in a prototype software Step 2: Prototype software implementation D4.4: Prototype software and report on detailed design of HIPERMOULDING cycle time and costing analyses (CT&CA).
25 Aim: to assemble the HIPERMOULDS by using the results of WP1 and WP2 and using standard bolsters. Step 1: Design of complete moulds Step 2: Manufacturing of inserts by LBMM Step 3: Manufacturing of plates and bolsters Step 4: Assembly and fitting of the inserts into the bolsters Step 5: Testing before process conditions D4.6: Aim and Steps to perform
26 Training module 1: Parts to be produced in Hipermoulds Issues: possibilities for the design of plastic moulded parts. rules for parts design (optimum injection moulded part quality, cycle time and costs). Training module 2: Hipermould cycle time and cost analysis Issues: methods for estimating the cycle time and costs for parts manufactured by Hipermoulding. support decisions on using Hipermoulding methods to bring more profits than conventional tools in injection moulding. D5.2 Conceptual design of 8 training modules
27 Conceptual design of 8 training modules Training module 3: Management of the Hipermould thermal balance Issues: methods for thermal balance analysis and management during the injection process Training module 4: Cooling channel configuration and design Issues: possibilities of configuration and design of the cooling channels how to configure and design conformal cooling channels with the Hipermoulding software module. restrictions for channels geometry, the type of LBMM process for insert manufacturing, the cooling flow and pressure drops.
28 Training module 5: Layer based manufacturing methods for mould insert manufacture Issues: possibilities of the LBMM technologies used for manufacturing the Hipermoulds inserts. accuracy of the technologies material properties methods for assembling inserts and injection mould bolsters Training module 6: High Speed Machining for finishing LBMM inserts Issues: parameters for finishing LBMM inserts by HSM. Conceptual design of 8 training modules
29 Conceptual design of 8 training modules Training module 7: Electrical Discharge Machining for finishing LBMM inserts Issues: parameters for finishing LBMM inserts by EDM. Training module 8: Injection moulding in Hipermoulds Issues: Differences between Hipermoulding and conventional moulding, rules for Hipermoulding set up procedure for Hipermoulding troubleshooting Hipermoulding. information to obtain maximum profits from the Hipermoulding methods.
30 Contact details Coordinator Scientific Officer Jan Willem Gunnink Yves Maisonny CRIF- WTCM