Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Senior Design Lecture 9 Project management Project plan Change request
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Picnic Re-cap Very good presentations Not easy to do: peers, faculty, dean, industry reps (an intimidating audience!) Public commitment Excellent dialog with team, faculty, and industry reps
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering October 2006 CS-EE 480 University of Portland Pgm rev Weekly FS 1.0 Approv mtg Weekly Fall Break Starts Weekly Plan 0.9 MonTueWedThuFri FS 0.95 to IR Fall Break Ends Weekly Quiz
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Preparing for our quiz Quiz: multiple choice, closed book Pass-Fail Review handouts
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Product Development Cycle Define Design Prototype Evaluation Production Milestones/ Approvals Product Approval Design Release Prototype Release Beta Release Product Release Documents Functional Specifications Project Plan Debug & Evaluation Plan Theory of Operations Qualification Report Not in class Manufacturing Report EOL Final Report
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Definition Phase Define Design Prototype Evaluation Production Milestones/ Approvals Product Approval Documents Functional Specifications We are right here
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Design Phase Define Design Prototype Evaluation Production Milestones/ Approvals Design Release Documents Project Plan Last document this semester
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Why a project plan? Team knows what's going on Budget your time Detect/correct a problem Supervisor knows what you’re doing Your response, Lecture 4
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Purpose of a project plan Determine what has to be done, by when, and by who (schedule) State assumptions, identify dependencies Set the budget Evaluate risks, develop contingency plans
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Project management Project progress must be monitored Start On Track Re-Plan Project Plan 1.0 Monitor Progress Done OK Issue
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Monitoring tools? Deadlines Project plan Calendar Weeklies FS Open and honest feedback Program reviews
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Plan topics Assumptions –Events that set (initialize) the environment –Usually a major impact if not correct –Single largest factor to problems Success indicators –Measure project completion –Must be quantifiable
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Assumptions for building a house? Won’t be done on time Its expensive Building to code You are allowed to build it You or someone can do it Get the materials you need Within budget
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Indicators for building a house Actual expenses within 5% of budget Schedule within 5% of plan Final walk through with zero defects Indicators must be quantifiable and measurable
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Other plan topics Schedule Milestones Resources –People –Budget –Equipment –Facilities
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Other plan topics, continued. Risk Assessment –Identify activities with high probability of error –Often less-understood activities –Monitor carefully Contingencies (back up) –Describe alternate plans for risky activities –Typically scales back features, budget, schedule –Can keep project on track
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Risks for building a house? Out of budget Not built to code No access to materials Sub screws up Miss your schedule
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Contingencies for house? Ditch some features Fire contractors, hire new one Locate alternate materials Tight contract, line up replacements Pad your schedule
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Re-plan Problem: project predicted to miss feature, budget, or schedule (may be unavoidable) Solution: formal change in plan Typical impact –Features dropped –Schedule slips –Budget increased Usually something fixed
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Re-plan process Identify problem exists Propose a change: change request form Assess the impact: requirements, schedule, budget Approve the change Document the change Communicate the change
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Change request form Date Title of Request Description (What is it you want to change?) Reason (Why is it you want to make a change?) Impact (What is affected by the proposed change and how?)
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Monitoring tools? Weeklies Project Meetings Schedule Milestones Program Reviews
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Assumptions for building a house? No land clearing (logging, stumps) No drain field No change orders No failed inspections No subcontractor or material shortages No re-work
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Risks for building a house? Foundation on sloped lot Poor drain field soil New materials and installation techniques Bad weather Vandalism Rising interest rates
Fall CS-EE 480 Lillevik 480f06-l9 University of Portland School of Engineering Contingencies for house? Engineered soil Alternate drain field site Use traditional materials and installation Accelerate or delay construction until good weather Lock up all materials and equipment, hire security service, big dog Lock in finances by paying a premium