Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 Experts’ meeting on procedural rights: communication whilst in detention 12 October
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October Communication whilst in detention › Why is communication whilst in detention important ? › International legal instruments – general, foreign nationals & information rights on admission to detention › The situation in practice › Potential next steps
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October Why is communication from detention important ? Four important functions:- › Fundamental safeguard against ill-treatment in custody › Essential element in the normalisation of prison/detention regimes › Prerequisite for exercising many fundamental rights in different spheres of personal & social life (correspondence, family life, freedom of expression etc.) › Rights of prisoners/detainees but also those outside
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October International legal instruments - general European Prison Rules:- › 24.8 – “Prisoners shall be allowed to inform their families immediately of their imprisonment (…) transfer (…) serious illness or injury” › 24.9 “Upon admission (…) death, serious illness or injury (…), the authorities shall inform the spouse, partner, nearest relative or other designated person” › 24.9 confers a positive obligation on authorities See also for example generic and specific communication rights in:- › ICCRP, UNCRC, UNBOP, UNSMR, RPJDL, RTFP, ECHR, ERJO, CPT standards etc.
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 International legal instruments - general › UNBOP & CPT standards extend communication rights to both persons detained in police custody and those remanded to a custodial institution › CPT has acknowledged that communication rights for those in custody may be restricted to protect the integrity of a criminal investigation (see also EPR 99) › Such exceptions should be clearly defined, strictly limited in time and accompanied by appropriate procedural safeguards (c.f. ECtHR judgments - Silver & others v UK, Čiapas v. Lithuania, Doerga v Netherlands) 5
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 International legal instruments – foreign nationals European Prison Rules:- › 37.1 “…foreign nationals shall be informed, without delay, of their right to request contact (…) communicate with the diplomatic or consular representative of their state” › 37.2 – extends this right to prisoners of states without diplomatic/consular representation & refugees - 3rd states, international organisations etc. See also for example:- › UNBOP, UNSMR, COE R(84)12 Foreign Prisoners, ERJO etc. 6
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 International legal instruments – foreign nationals UN Vienna Convention on Consular Relations:- › 36.1a – reciprocal communication rights between consular officials and their nationals › 36.1b – sending state can (upon request) receive notification when its nationals are arrested or detained by receiving state. Prisoners must be informed of their rights in this regard › 36.1c – rights of access by consular officials to their nationals in prison and to arrange for legal representation (if requested to do so) COE R(84)12 Foreign Prisoners:- › Role/responsibilities of consular authorities 7
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 International legal instruments – rights on admission to detention European Prison Rules:- › 15.2 – prisoners must be given information (in writing & orally) in a language they understand (...) prison regulations (...) and of their rights and duties in prison › 30.2 – prisoners can keep a written version of the information received See also for example:- › UNBOP, RPJDL, RTFP, ERJO, CPT standards UNBOP/CPT standards:- – police & remand in custody 8
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 The situation in practice › Information on prisoners rights upon admission often not translated or not handed out (although also many examples of good practice) › Prisoners often not informed of their rights to contact their consular authority (or may not wish to do so). Quality of consular assistance varies: ”proactive>helpful>caring>indifferent>unwilling” › Not all prisons facilitate access to family contacts upon admission (see also cost, language requirements) c.f. van Kalmthout, Hofstee van der Meulen, Dünkel
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Gent, België - T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) Neil Paterson – Procedural Rights Experts Group Meeting – Brussels - 12 October 2010 Potential next steps › Strengthen regime for consular assistance – rights for prisoners but also role, function, quality, consistency of consular interventions, role of 3 rd states & international humanitarian organisations › Different approaches required for arrest and remand in custody e.g. › Letter of rights – arrest:- include communication rights › Prison admission information – content, distribution, translation, costs (c.f. material detention conditions research - inter alia EPR’s – 30.1, 30.2 ((admission)), 24.1, 24.2, 24.6, 2.8, 2.49 ((communication)) + effective complaints & inspection procedures) 10