HHP Writing Standards 7 th Grade Language Arts
Paper Use only 8 ½ X 11 inch white paper for typewritten papers and use ruled notebook paper for handwritten ones. Torn spiral edges must be trimmed. Use only 8 ½ X 11 inch white paper for typewritten papers and use ruled notebook paper for handwritten ones. Torn spiral edges must be trimmed. Write on only one side of the paper. Write on only one side of the paper.
Writing Use BLUE or BLACK ink or type. Double- space both methods. If word-processed, use appropriate font size and a style that reflects the work’s tone. (Arial and Times Roman 12 pt are appropriate. To double- space using notebook paper, skip a line between each written line.) Use BLUE or BLACK ink or type. Double- space both methods. If word-processed, use appropriate font size and a style that reflects the work’s tone. (Arial and Times Roman 12 pt are appropriate. To double- space using notebook paper, skip a line between each written line.) Write legibly and neatly, using correct spelling and punctuation. (Texting spellings are not allowed. Ex. Before cannot be written “b4”.) Write legibly and neatly, using correct spelling and punctuation. (Texting spellings are not allowed. Ex. Before cannot be written “b4”.)
Where do I write my name? Write your NAME, CLASS PERIOD, and DATE according to teacher instructions. Write your NAME, CLASS PERIOD, and DATE according to teacher instructions. –First and last name in the upper right corner –Day and block below your name –Date below class period –Or, a cover sheet with the title in the middle of the page and your name, day and block, and date (follow the same pattern) in the lower right corner.
Spacing Leave a MARGIN of about two inches at the top and one inch at the bottom. For handwritten work, use the red lines as guides for side margins. Leave a MARGIN of about two inches at the top and one inch at the bottom. For handwritten work, use the red lines as guides for side margins. INDENT the first line of each paragraph about one-half inch from the left margin. INDENT the first line of each paragraph about one-half inch from the left margin.
Titles If your paper has a TITLE, center it. Do not enclose the title in quotation marks. Capitalize first, last, and all principal words in the title. Skip a line between the title and the first line of composition. If your paper has a TITLE, center it. Do not enclose the title in quotation marks. Capitalize first, last, and all principal words in the title. Skip a line between the title and the first line of composition.
Page Numbers If the paper is longer than one page, number pages after the first page. Place numbers according to teacher instruction. If the paper is longer than one page, number pages after the first page. Place numbers according to teacher instruction. –Handwritten - upper right corner, beginning with the second page –Typed – bottom of the page, centered
Dividing words between lines Avoid dividing a word at the end of a line. If dividing is necessary, follow the rules: Avoid dividing a word at the end of a line. If dividing is necessary, follow the rules: –Divide only between syllables. –Do not divide one syllable words. –Do not divide so that one part is a single letter.
Spell it out Spell out most words rather than abbreviate. Do not use & for and. Spell out most words rather than abbreviate. Do not use & for and. Spell out numbers zero through ten and first through tenth and numbers at the beginning of a sentence. Use numerals for numbers over ten and tenth. Spell out numbers zero through ten and first through tenth and numbers at the beginning of a sentence. Use numerals for numbers over ten and tenth.
PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD, PROOFREAD!!! Before turning in your final copy, it is a good idea to proofread your paper at least twice and have someone else proofread it once. Before turning in your final copy, it is a good idea to proofread your paper at least twice and have someone else proofread it once.
Happy writing!