By Ellie McLaughlin
Coastal Desert Hot and Dry Desert
Sonoran Desert- southeastern California Great Basin- east-central Nevada Northern Colorado Plateau Chihuahuan Desert- Mexican Boader
Average o F Temperature high in summer, low in winter Low precipitation
Prairie rattlesnake Road runner Desert snake Desert camel Jack Rabbit Kangaroo Rat
Prickly pear cactus Trichomes Yellow palo verde tree Mammillaria Parkinsoii
Plants: Conserve moisture Lose leaves- slows growth, prevents loss of moisture store water in stems Animals: Reducing water loss- specialized snouts, waxy body coatings Regulate body temperature Burrows Estivate (stopping activity)
Development Destroys animals habitat Introduces non-native plants Off roading Leave tracks in soil Kills vegetation Reduces animal population
erate-desert.html erate-desert.html e/deserts.html e/deserts.html omes.desert.animaladapt.html