Welcome to our Year 3 Information Evening.
Why have an information evening?
Topics Ancient Egypt Secret agents / spies Pirates Roald Dahl / Chocolate South America – Brazil Rainforests Mini topics – Linked to key world events
Curriculum Coverage Curriculum Map
6R’s / Learning Hero Relationships – Polly Penguin Remembering – Elma Elephant Resourcefulness – Bobby Beaver Resilience – Woody Woodpecker Reflectiveness – Ollie Owl Readiness – Sebastian Shark
Behaviour Wheel / Dojos The whole school use the same behaviour/rewards systems. The behaviour system is based on giving the children warnings and time to change their behaviour. Dojos are now being used in Y3 to promote positive behaviours.
Support at home Reading and reading records – Aim for 5 reads at home with an adult each week. Spellings – Sent home on a Monday and tested on a Friday. Times tables and related division facts – regular practise needed at home to learn and then retain facts. Learning Logs – Tasks are set on a Friday and due in a week on the Monday.
School Wiki We will update our school wiki as frequently as possible. It is where you will find our half termly newsletter and curriculum map, as seen before.
Please remind your children about how to remain safe online. For example, not talking to strangers, not putting personal details online and telling an adult if they are worried. We will be reinforcing this in school also. eSafety
P.E. lessons P.E. will be on a Wednesday afternoon for the Owls and a Thursday afternoon for the Dolphins. Please ensure children have an indoor and an outdoor kit in school. No jewellery is allowed to be worn during P.E. and earrings must either be removed by the child or covered with tape.
Swimming Swimming will be on a Friday morning for both classes. Please ensure children have a swimming kit in school. For boys this is tight trunks For girls a one piece swimming costume Both will need a towel, goggles (if needed) and a swimming hat if their hair will cover their eyes when wet.
No jewellery is allowed to be worn during swimming and earrings must be removed by the child or a special band must be purchased for them to wear. Swimming contd/…
General reminders Healthy snack for morning break Parents to communicate pick up changes Letters are now via All trip helpers must be police checked Drop off zone is not for waiting in Drop off times – not before 8:45am Appointments – after school if possible Encouraging independence – children to leave parents in the yard.
Thank you for attending and showing your support.