Chapter 2 :Page 3 -9 Understanding the text with 5W1H 1.When did this incident take place? 2. Who was mentioned here ? 3. Where were they ? 4. What was happening ? How did the girl feel or react after seeing that ? Why did the girl feel that way ? Page 3
1. What did the Greggs do that made the girl use the Magic Finger? 2.What does “mind my own P’s and Q’s” mean? Mind your own business . 3. Which sentence signals that the girl could no longer control her emotions? “That” refers to the Greggs’ rude behaviour. “It” refers to the girl pointing her Magic Finger at them, How do you feel if someone asks you to mind your own business when you try to stop something bad from happening? Page 4
Mrs Winter Incident 1.Why was the girl angry this time? 2. How did the girl feel before she put the Magic Finger on Mrs Winter? 3. Compare this incident with the Greggs’ incident. What happened just before she used her Magic Finger? Read Pg. 4 and find the sentence which is similar to Pg.5. “Guess what?” What did the girl ask her readers to guess ? It was to guess what happened to Mrs Winter Page 5 It is to get the attention of her readers on what she was going to say next.
Find the main ideas and supporting details 1. What happened to Mrs Winter when the girl put her Magic Finger on her? 2. What two words were italicized on pages 6-7? (whiskers and tail) In this part of the story, the author emphasises on ‘whiskers’ and ‘tail’ to draw the readers’ attention to the two main changes that happened to Mrs Winter after the Magic Finger was put on her. From the main ideas, Roald Dahl gives us more details about the whiskers and tail. Page 6
From the main ideas, Roald Dahl gives us more details about the whiskers and tail. Cause and Effect There are two cause and effects relationships on from pages 4-7. See if you can identify them both. (Learning Sheet 6) Hint:Ask yourself : What made the girl cross and see red? What happened then ? Page 7
Repetition of “I get cross, when I see red.” Roald Dahl seems to repeat this phrase. Can you find where this phrase was used in the earlier pages? When an author repeats a phrase or sentence, it is usually an important thing that the author wants the reader to pay attention to. Look at LS 7 : Theme Page 9 Page 8