WELCOME TO PSYCHOLOGY AS & A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY (AQA) Miss Lippiett (Head of Psychology & Sociology) Mrs Benkemmoun (Teacher of Psychology & Sociology)
Why choose A Level Psychology? Psychology is... The study of people, behaviour and the mind Scientific and rigorous A broad subject with many different areas Always changing Fascinating and worthwhile!
Psychology is not... Just common sense Wishy-washy and unscientific All about feelings An easy subject (!)
Psychologists are not.. Always analysing people Able to read people’s minds
Did you know this?? Psychology as a Science A level QCA and Ofsted have reclassified psychology as a science subject Psychology will be reviewed in line with other science subjects to meet common core criteria and will be inspected as a science
Careers Directly related to Psychology Clinical Psychology Educational Psychology Occupational Psychology Counselling Psychology Forensic Psychology Health Psychology Sport & Exercise Psychology Neuropsychology Teaching and Research in Psychology
Why study Psychology at CGS? Small classes - to promote discussion and analysis High expectations, challenging lessons and up-to-date content Supportive teachers - enrichment sessions are held twice a week Outstanding teaching – Miss Lippiett (Head of Psychology & Sociology) also Deputy Head of Sixth Form and an AQA examiner. Mrs Benkemmoun (Teacher of Psychology & Sociology) AQA examiner and Teacher Trainer with AQA Students have the opportunity to be participants in post-graduate research (Bath University) Students can run their own enrichment sessions with Year 11 students in Term 2 Extra curricular trips – these have included – observation of animals at the zoo, workshops and visits to Derren Brown at the Hippodrome, university conferences
AS psychology Topics covered by AS: Memory (including eye witness testimonies) Attachments (between parents and children) Research Methods (designing studies and data analysis) Theoretical Approaches &. Biopsychology Social Influence (Obedience and Conformity) Psychological Disorders & Treatments (Psychopathology) 2 X AS Exams – 1 hr 30 each Paper 1 – Memory, Attachments Social Influence Paper 2 – Approaches & Biopsychology, Psychopathology, Research Methods
A level psychology Biopsychology (e.g. neurotransmitters, adrenaline) Research methods (statistics) Issues and Debates (determinism, nature-nurture) Aggression (explanations, media role) Schizophrenia (Explanations, treatments) Relationships (e.g. evolutionary explanations, social media) Exam assessed, no coursework Questions include short answer, stimulus material and essays requiring extended writing A Level Exams – 2 Hours each Paper 1 Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, Psychopathology Paper 2 Approaches & Biopsychology, Research methods Paper 3 issues & Debates, Aggression, Relationships, Schizophrenia
Skinner’s Law Rewards encourage desirable behaviour Punishments discourage undesirable behaviour
Remember as many words as possible from this list … Cloud Bin Owl Cup Tiger Pencil Plant Wall Page House Water Door Photo Coin Shoe Hat Light Brush Teddy Car Bottle Ruler Book Cat Tree Chair
Remember as many words as possible from this list … A.Apple B.Book C.Cup D.Dog E.Elephant F.Fridge G.Grass H.Heater I.Igloo J.Jelly K.Kitkat L.Lemon M.Mould N.Nut O.Owl P.Page Q.Queen R.Robot S.Sieve T.Tiger U.Umbrella V.Vase W.Walrus X.Xylophone Y.Yacht Z.Zebra
LEARN WHILE YOU SLEEP! Start using YOUR brain's full learning potential. Latest RESEARCH proves there is a link between SLEEP and LEARNING If you've ever wanted to master another language, cram up on any subject, commit to self-growth or just pass those exams - with less effort Then you've come to the right place..
Design a study to test this theory What type of study will you do? How will you get participants? What will the procedure be? What could go wrong? How might you control any problems? What about ethics (morals)? What results would you expect to find?
Other studies to design … Are children who play violent video games more aggressive than those who don’t? How do sugary sweets affect the attention span of children? Are psychology students less prejudiced than others against people with mental illnesses? Are people less generous when they are in a bad mood? Does the size of primary classes affect how sociable children are? How long can people remember a phone number for, without practising it? How does colour affect mood?
Design a study to test your question 1. What type of study will you do? 2. How will you get participants? 3. What will the procedure be? 4. What could go wrong? 5. How might you control any problems? 6. What about ethics (morals)? 7. What results would you expect to find?
Any questions?