Atmospheric chemistry Applications Workshop Conclusions/Impressions and Actions
Workshop. Program Atmospheric composition observationsOpportunities and limitations User requirements Presentations Posters Working groups Europe/US/Africa
Monitoring of the global atmospheric composition Important initatives ESA/EUMETSAT IGOS-IGACO EU-GMES-GATO GMES GEO
Working group 1 Air quality protocols and EU policy User needs PM10, PM2.5 O3, tropospheric column NO2 VOC Aerosol CO Product list in protocols, spatial/temporal resolutions GMES-GATO&IGACO provisions Spatial/temporal resolutions Chemical weather system
Working group 2 Kyoto and Montreal protocols User needs Antropogenic and biogenic emissions Sinks Concentrations Biogeochemical cycles Aerosols for retrieval of GHG’s Post Kyoto, aerosols, O3 Ozone UV GCOS IGACO GMES-GATO
Working group 3 Chemistry-climate Interactions User needs H2O, O3, aerosol, cirrus, CH4 CO, HNO3, NOx T + dynamical and physical variables Geogr. domain global, troposphere/stratosphere Time domain: decades Resolution: spatial:vert 2km or better(trop); hor 10 km 2 temporal: daily Precision/accuracy 10 % Strategy: Exploit current space, aircraft and ground-based observations new operational and research missions
Working group 4 Tropospheric chemistry Monitoring/ process studies Oxidation capacity, M: trend in OH, glob. 1%, region5% Process studies: Tropospheric O3 trends, km, 1km-100m, 3days-3h UTLS BL O3 50 km-10 km, 1 km, 6h-1 h Causes, dep., STE, precursors,.. Long range transport of pollutants CO, NOx,NOy, O3 Models/Assimilation
Working group 5 Forecasting systems Near real time delivery Extend meteorological operations to atmospheric Composition Strat O3, UV-forecasting Chemical weather(global/synoptic scales) Improvements NWP Regional air quality(5-10 km, 1-5 levels PBL0, 1h Aviation, plumes, jet stream, visibility forecasting Improvement data assimilation Integration observations
Actions Presentations workshop, Papers ? February 4 core group meeting April 2004 Report User Requirements (participants of this workshop) June 2004 mid term review, core group + consultants, Report Data requirements Report Assessments Existing and Planned missions Report Integrated Observing Systems
Actions March 2005 Report GEO Instr. and Mission reqs Report LEO Instr. and Mission reqs Report Mission concepts space/ground segments Conclusions and recommendations
Summary There is overwhelming evidence for continuation of atmospheric composition sounding from space Ground/in situ/satellite measurements Data assimilation Integrated approach
Wish CAPACITY/Workshop Contribute to an European effort for operational monitoring mission of atmospheric chemistry in the post- Envisat period
Basis for realisation of an operational monitoring mission of atmospheric chemistry in the post-Envisat period