CHAPTER 1 Guidance Tradition
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Basis of Guidance Lies in the belief that human nature has the potential for good. The role of the adult is not to drive the evil out of the child, but rather to help the child develop personal strength to make wise decisions.
Autonomy Is the primary goal of guidance. Being able to make decisions Stand up for ones self And ?????
Democratic Life Skills and Conflict Management Ability to resolve and prevent conflicts.
John Comenius Valued early childhood and saw parents as a child’s first teacher. All children are deserving of an education Forbid corporal punishment
Johann Pestalozzi Advocated education that addressed “hand, heart and mind” Teachers need to continually monitor their methods to keep children engaged and interested in learning
Robert Owen Owen believed that people are more productive if they are spoken to with respect and treated nicely.
Fredrich Froebel Father of kindergarten Extension of family life Innate impulses of child could develop through play and play like activities,
Maria Montessori Children learn through responsible decision making in in a prepared enviroment designed to further each child’s development. Mix of freedom and structure
John Dewey
Discipline Definition
Punishment Defn.