Roman Empire P
70 BC Wars to increase power of politicians and generals Riots to restore the power of the tribunes People flooded to the city
Cicero Philosopher and orator Called on the upper class to work together to make Rome better Limit power of generals More support to the Senate Restore checks and balances
Julius Caesar General 58BC-50BC- conquered Gaul Alliance with Pompey and Crassus- the three ruled Rome Lasted 10 years- Caesar too popular 50BC- allies in Senate order Caesar to give up command of armies Caesar refuse and march army back to Rome which was against the law Crossed the Rubicon River- term now means point of no return 48BC- defeat Pompey in Greece. Pompey killed by order of Egyptian king. 45BC- return home Made himself dictator for life People resent the way he gained power Reduced the power of the Senate March 15, 44BC- group of Senators attacked him at the Senate and stabbed him to death- Ides of March
After Assassination Two leaders emerge Marc Antony- claim E. Empire Octavian- claim W. Empire Both want to punish murderers –Battle near Philipi in 42BC –Track down killers and defeat –Murderers commit suicide –Octavian returns to Italy
Marc Antony 40BC- married Octavia- Octavian’s sister 32BC- divorced her to marry Cleopatra- Queen of Egypt Octavian saw as an insult Civil war
Octavian 31BC- sent fleet to attack Antony –Battle of Actium- Antony defeated but escaped- went back to Egypt –Both Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide rather than be taken by Octavian –Becomes sole ruler- 1 st emperor of Rome –Near limitless power –Took title of “princeps” means 1 st citizen –27BC- Senate gave title of “Augustus” means revered one which began the empire
Empire Controlled the Mediterranean World Expanded empire 100AD- conquer Gaul, Britain, Asia Minor, C. Europe, Mesopotamia, and N. African coast Promoted trade and received raw materials from conquered areas Used Roman currency throughtout empire
Pax Romana 200 year time of peace and prosperity in empire Stable government, well run army Lasted until 180’s AD Population grew Improved lives of citizens
Octavian’s rule More people became citizens Laws treated people fairly Innocent until proven guilty, can’t be forced to speak against yourself Census- made sure people paid taxes Built roads throughout empire Built new buildings to make Rome beautiful Pantheon, Colosseum, Circus Maximus
Accomplishments Science and Engineering –Produced calendar –Made cement by mixing lime, volcanic rock and ash –Built roads in layers –Built with arches- support more weight –Built aqueducts to carry water from mountains into city –Galen- doctor- study heart, veins, and arteries
Accomplishments (cont.) Architecture and Art –Copy Greek designs- ex. Collumns –Built vaults- set of arches that support a roof- allowed for larger structures- ex. Colosseum –Built domes on top of buildings –Fresco- painting on plaster
Accomplishments (cont.) Literature and language –Virgil- wrote Aeneid –Ovid – wrote poems about Roman mythology –Latin- language of Romans Developed into many different languages called Romance languages- Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian Our languages uses many Latin words- ex. Et cetera, circus, veto
Accomplishments (cont.) Law –Civil law- spread to areas controlled by Rome and passed to colonies around the world.