Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Calibration Test Sites Selection and Characterisation WP 240 Equipment and auxiliary data Final Meeting ESA/ESTEC – 2009/04/21
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery WP250 – Interest of a Group of Equipped sites Objectives : provide a list of equipment and auxiliary data required per site classes and the operational conditions of use. Instruments and protocole Cost (Instrument and campaign) Data access LES : Land Equipped Site SES : Sea Equipped Site LNES : Land Non Equipped Site SNES : Sea Non Equipped Site
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Need for LES Measurement to do Atmospheric state Instantaneous measurements Langley plots AOT Integrated water vapour content Ozone content Radiance and irradiance Total and diffuse downwelling irradiance (hemispherical) Upwelling and downwelling radiance (directional) Surface directional spectral reflectance Environmental parameters Air pressure, temperature and relative humidity Wind speed Soil moisture
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery WP Instruments Term to estimateRaBVC or ReBVC Ozone contentTO 3 (m)Meteorological Institutes Water vapour contentTH 2 0(m)Meteorological Institutes Surface pressureMolecular optical depth Ray ( ) Meteorological station Aerosol extinction coefficient aer ( ) Sunphotometer Aerosol type SAM + aer ( ) Aerosol Phase function P( ) Sunphotometer Surface Leaving radiance L g (t,x,y, v, v ) L g (x o,y o,t) Radiometer calibrated before and after campaign Second radiometer for solar irradiance variation Surface reflectance g (t,x,y, v, v ), o (t, v, v ) Radiometer Reference panel Solar irradianceE s (t)Sun photometer Sky radiances L sky (t, v, v ), Sun photometer Atmospheric transmittance and luminance T atm, L atm RTC
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Instruments used on Sites
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Protocol Weather station : automatic Sunphotometer : protocol described on AERONET web pages Direct sun measurement Sky radiance Almucantar Radiometers Sample strategy
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Instrument cost
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Preparation and data analysis
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Mission cost
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Maintenance cost
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Data Access LSPEC Frenchman Flats measurements are on line
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Need for SES Atmospheric state Instantaneous measurements Langley plots AOT Integrated water vapour content Ozone content Marine reflectance downwelling irradiance upwelling irradiance water leaving radiance Sky radiance Chlorophyll concentration Environmental parameters Air pressure, temperature and relative humidity Wind speed
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery WP Instruments
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery SES instrument
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Instrument cost
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Preparation and data analysis
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Mission cost
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Data access All data acquired at SES are available on Internet
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Provision of Auxiliary data for SNES and LNES LNES need Pressure Water vapour content Ozone content Site BRDF Aerosol SNES need Pressure Water vapour content Ozone content Water leaving radiance Aerosol
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Provision of Auxiliary data for LNES Meteorological data Source Meteorological institutes Land Aerosol : No data Surface BRDF Use Polder database Use SADE Use specific angular conditions
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Provision of Auxiliary data for SNES Data available in the climatological database Chlorophyll content estimated from MERIS level 3 products Aerosol model estimated from MERIS level 3 products Meteorological data Pressure, water vapour content and ozone are provided within the satellite data and are issue from Meteorological center (ECMWF, NCEP etc) Level 3 Aerosols Two suggestions have been made in WP 220 to develop a L3 AERONET database AERONET can be used to propose a climatology of the aerosol models (among SAMs). AERONET can be used to build a local climatology of the aerosol inherent optical properties Aerosol from AERONET network Use of L1 AERONET data One suggestion has been made in WP 220. AERONET CIMEL can be used as well in the satellite match ups for: Flagging the situation with too high aerosol turbidity. Selecting a SAMs, through the Angstroem coefficient in the NIR. Using the CIMEL AOTs in the blue. Some potential site candidates have been listed in WP 220.
Consulting and Technology Technical Excellence | Pragmatic Solutions | Proven Delivery Conclusion Relationship between Data, instrument and sites