1940’s 1940’s By: By: Lainey Cobb Lainey Cobb and and Mira Cooper Mira Cooper Hope you enjoy it! Hope you enjoy it! -Lainey and Mira.


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Presentation transcript:

1940’s 1940’s By: By: Lainey Cobb Lainey Cobb and and Mira Cooper Mira Cooper Hope you enjoy it! Hope you enjoy it! -Lainey and Mira

PRESIDENTS, FIRST LADIES, AND VICE PRESIDENTS Franklin D. Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt John N. Garner, Henry A. Wallace, and Harry S Truman Harry S Truman Elizabeth (Bess) Virginia Wallace Truman Alben W. Barkley Roosevelt was the only president to serve more than two terms.

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MEN'S FASHION  During the war, men usually wore plain, functional suits in solid.  They also wore plain colors like navy or black, with plain white shirts.  The working man could go to the office in the elegant suits usually associated with the 1940s emerged, after the war ended.


WE CAN DO IT! AMERICAN WOMEN IN WORLD WAR II American women played important roles during World War II, both at home and in uniform. Not only did they give their sons, husbands, fathers, and brothers to the war effort, they gave their time, energy, and some even gave their lives. The National WWII Museum recognizes the contribution that women played in the success of the Allied victory in World War II and explores that contribution in depth in it's Home Front gallery. Nearly 350,000 American women served in uniform, both at home and aboard, volunteering for the newly formed Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAACs, later renamed the Women's Army Corps), the Navy Women's Reserve (WAVES), the Marine Corps Women's Reserve, the Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARS), the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPS), the Army Nurses Corps, and the Navy Nurse Corps. THE AMERICAN FLAG BEFORE WORLD WAR II

EVENTS  December 7 th, 1941, Pearl Harbor bombed by Japan   , Sugar, Coffee, Gasoline Shoes, Meat, Cheese, and canned foods are rationed do to war effort  1944, D-Day battle at Normandy  1945, Chuck Yeager breaks Sound Barrier D-Day battle at Normandy The bombing of Pearl Harbor is what brought the U.S. into W.W.II

INVENTIONS  In 1943, the Slinky was invented, but not commercially sold until  In 1941, the first disposable aerosol cans were developed by Lyle Goodhue and W.N. Sullivan.  In 1947, Elmer's Glue-ALL was introduced.  M&Ms were manufactured for the U.S. Army.

Disasters  1940, Nov.11 Blizzard struck Midwestern U.S. killing over 100 people   1941, Mar.5 A blizzard in North Dakota killed 151 people   1941, Dec.7 the bombing of Pearl Harbor killed 1,177 crewman   1944, May 2 In Salerno, Italy, fumes from locomotive stalled in a tunnel suffocated 521 people   1945, Nov.8 A riverboat sank off Hong Kong and 1,550 people were killed  The bombing of Pearl Harbor is what brought the U.S. into W.W.II

BIBLIOGRAPHY  TML TML  Homefront/forties-slang-40s   fashionvetoknow.com/men_fashion_in_ the 1940's fashionvetoknow.com/men_fashion_in_ the  decade-famous-firsts decade-famous-firsts  inventers.about.com/od/timelines/a/

THE END Thank you for watching We can’t wait to see your slideshow! - Lainey and Mira BYE, BYE! - Mira Hope you enjoyed it! - Lainey