Goal 1 Part 3 WAR OF 1812
1804 Presidential Election Thomas Jefferson is reelected! Know these dates 1 Washington ( ) 2 Adams ( ) Abigail Adams (John Adam’s wife) “Remember the Ladies” title of a very important letter written to remind her husband of women’s struggle for rights and collective activism 3 Jefferson ( ) ****MAIN PROBLEM: 1804 – Britain and France are fighting over America’s attention WHY? ______________________________
Impressments / Chesapeake Incident (1) Impressments - the practice of seizing Americans at sea and “impressing” or drafting them into the British Navy (First introduced with the XYZ Affair) (2) Chesapeake Incident 1807 – British commander “demanded” to board an American ship (the Chesapeake), the Americans refused and 3 Americans were shot! Jefferson responds by convincing congress to pass an EMBARGO (EMBARGO ACT of 1807)
Embargo Act of 1807 Embargo - a ban on exporting goods to other countries from America *Purpose of Embargo Act of 1807 – (1) America’s attempt to force European nations to respect “NEUTRALITY” / and an attempt to AVOID WAR *Result of Embargo Act 1807 – BACKFIRED (hurt our economy more than others) Legacy – Always seen as a failure due to “lack of flow of foreign goods into America” Upset group: Merchants and Shippers in Northeast Congress eventually lifted the embargo in 1809
Embargo Act of 1807
Tecumseh’s Confederacy 1809 – General “William Henry Harrison” convinced native Americans to give up 3 million acres of their land Tecumseh created a confederacy AGAINST white settlers Overall: Tecumseh got support from the BRITISH to defend land against the white settler!
Battle of Tippecanoe 1811 William Harrison defeats Tecumseh’s Confederacy (3) Harrison / America discovers that the British were “supporting the Native Americans’ fight AGAINST America” Result: America / birth of the WAR HAWKS
WAR HAWKS A group of young Southern Congressmen that……. “WANT WAR WITH BRITAIN!!!!!!!!” (Against neutrality/ Washington, Adam’s and Jefferson’s views) 2 congressmen (1) John C. Calhoun *S.C. (2) Henry Clay *Kentucky
1808 Presidential Election James Madison -Famous Democratic / Jeffersonian Republican -Convinced by the War Hawks -Thought Britain was crippling the American economy Objective: LETS FIGHT BRITAIN!!!!! (War is needed~) War of 1812 – nicknamed “Mr. Madison’s War” because he was the very first president that WANTED to go to war with other countries Also known as the Second Revolutionary War June 18, 1812 – beginning of War of 1812
British invade Washington DC Burning of White House / Capitol Building and much of Washington DC british burn the white house
-Hartford Convention – December January New England states wanted the War of 1812 to STOP because it disrupted their TRADE / these states threatened secession The Hartford Convention is considered the “death of Federalist Party” (Link it to War of 1812)
End of War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent – Signed on Dec *****“Armistice” – a cease-fire agreement / and end to fighting (put down the guns) Legacy of Treaty of Ghent: Got us back to “pre war status” – nothing else!!! (no territorial gains) MAIN “RESULTS or LEGACY” from WAR OF 1812 (1) AMERICAN NATIONALISM GOES UP because we finally won COMPLETE freedom from Britain and confirmed our independence! (2) Nothing really changed after signing the Treaty of Ghent – American (physically) basically stayed the same “post War America”
Battle of New Orleans Final major battle of the War of 1812 ?? ANDREW JACKSON- – Gains national fame, proved himself as a war hero! (defeated the British in New Orleans and various Native American tribes in same area) – Jan 8, 1815 *(after Treaty of Ghent singing) WEIRD FACT THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - Battle of New Orleans was fought AFTER the war of 1812 ended (Jackson didn’t know it was over!)
POST War of 1812 U.S. and Great Britain opened trade agreements 1817 – Rush – Bagot Treaty – limited the amount of war ships in the Great Lakes 1818 – Northern boundary of Louisiana Territory is set at 49 degrees *** JOINT OCCUPATION of Oregon Territory Problem: America is politically divided
*T.Q. In 1812, how did President Madison respond to Britain’s harmful actions against American trade? A. he convinced Native American leaders to invade Canada B. He declared a trade embargo C. He decided to go to war D. He developed the policy of impressments
3 MAIN causes of the War of 1812 (1)British IMPRESSMENT (2)Chesapeake Incident (3)Finding out Tecumseh/Native Americans are receiving supplies from Britain in order to defeat America