The War of 1812
Objectives Examine why War broke out between Britain and the US in 1812 Define or Identify: blockade, Tecumseh, impressment, war hawk, embargo, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, Treaty of Ghent, armistice, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun Explain Jefferson's reasoning behind the 1807 embargo Understand why the war hawks called for war against Britain Determine the importance of the Treaty of Ghent
I. The Warhawks Demand War Jefferson got a 2 nd term after the Louisiana Purchase. However, fighting between France and Britain renewed and threatened American Shipping. – Great Britain attempted to blockade – (seal up ports or prevent ships from entering or leaving) France. – By 1807 Britain had seized more than 1000 American Ships and confiscated their cargo – France also did the same, but seized half of that.
A. Grievances Against Britain: – Although both French and British attacked our shipping, the British also practiced impressment- the seizing of Americans and at sea and impressing (drafting) them into the British Navy. – Also the Chesapeake incident in 1807 when a Naval frigate fired on an American ship. – Jefferson convinced Congress to embargo (ban on exporting goods to that country) British goods. The Embargo ended up hurting America more than Britain however.
B. Tecumseh’s Confederacy – General William Henry Harrison who was the governor of the Indiana Territory invited several Native American Chiefs to a meeting He persuaded them to sign away 3 million acres of tribal land to the US government. – Not all chiefs gave in. The Shawnee Chief Tecumseh believed that the only way for the Native Americans to protect their homeland against intruding white settlers was to form a united Native American Homeland.
Tecumseh’s brother was known as “The Prophet” and he started a reform movement to cast off all traces of white “civilization”. Tecumseh was brilliant strategist and diplomat. While he continued to press Harrison to withdraw, Tecumseh began to negotiate with the British for assistance. Tecumseh sought followers, but many tribes were reluctant to join.
C. The War Hawks – In 1811, while Tecumseh was absent, his brother led the Shawnee to attack Harrison and his troops. On the banks of the Tippecanoe river Harrison burned the Shawnee capital known as Prophetstown to the ground. – When it was discovered that the Native Americans were using British arms, a group of young congressmen from the south and west called for war against Britain. They were nicknamed The War hawks Two of the most famous were John C. Calhoun from S.C. and Henry Clay from Kentucky.
II. The War Brings Mixed Results In 1808, the fourth president becomes James Madison. In 1812 Madison decides to go to war against Britain. A. The War in Canada – The American military was unprepared for war. They lost many battles until – Native Americans were split on who to side with. – Tecumseh dies at the Battle of the Themes in 1813 and it collapsed Native American support for the British
The War at Sea – The US Navy was weak with only 16 ships. However, the Superior numbers of the British began to block the Chesapeake and Delaware bays. By the end of 1813 most ships were bottled up in ports. British Burn the White House – By 1814 the British were raiding and burning towns along the Atlantic coast. They entered Washington DC in August and burned the Capitol and the White House. – Madison had to flee from his own capital.
D. The Battle of New Orleans – At the same time a General from Tennessee named Andrew Jackson was winning a series of battles that gained him national fame. – Jackson’s reputation was for being an Indian fighter and had multiple victories – However his major victory was after the war was over. On January 8, 1815, Jackson defeated a superior British force in the Battle of New Orleans.
E. The Treaty of Ghent – Unknown to Jackson, British and American diplomats signed a treaty on Christmas Eve – The Treaty of Ghent declared an armistice (end to the fighting). – Americans were eager for peace and welcomed the treaty. – By 1817, the British and Americans reopened trade and came to agreement on issues between the two countries. They agreed to a joint occupation of Oregon.