Clinical Educators Design Team CAEP State Alliance for Clinical Partnership Presented by team members Laurie Henry, University of Kentucky & Nicole Nickens, University of Central Missouri
CAEP/Clinical Educators 2.2 Partners co-select, prepare, evaluate, support, and retain high-quality clinical educators, both provider- and school-based, who demonstrate a positive impact on candidates’ development and P-12 student learning and development. In collaboration with their partners, providers use multiple indicators and appropriate technology-based applications to establish, maintain, and refine criteria for selection, professional development, performance evaluation, continuous improvement, and retention of clinical educators in all clinical placement settings.
Clinical Educator Design Team Goal Goal: Identify characteristics and behaviors of effective clinical educators. “Positive impact on candidates’ development” “P-12 student learning and development” Link the clinical educator to the candidate and then to P-12 students taught by that candidate Need evidence to support selection, professional development, performance evaluation, continuous improvement, and retention of effective clinical educators
Carnegie workshop [fall 2013] State Alliance members attended a Carnegie Explorer’s workshop at Stanford Application of the Networked Improvement Community (NIC) to address problems in education was the focus of the workshop The NIC gave Alliance members a framework for defining the aspect of the problem each team would address PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) Cycle for Quality Improvement
Getting the ideas in order [Fall 2013] Teams were developed and met in Louisville Teams identified models of clinical education in the states represented Team members began to discuss the challenge and identify the terms Example of a clinical partnership in Kentucky was shared via field trip to clinical site (middle school) and panel of preservice teachers, teachers, principals and higher education faculty and administrators
Using the NIC model [September, 2014] Worked on the need to develop consensus on major characteristics and behaviors of clinical educators. Empirical research Professional studies Evidence from the field (survey) Professional consensus Solution: Create a white paper Challenges Who is Clinical Educator (pk-12 or higher ed)? Qualifications vs dispositions Lack of research to pull from
White Paper: 3 Constituent Groups Researchers reporting on characteristics of highly effective clinical educators Professionals and professional associations that have contributed knowledge based on practices of successful clinical teacher educators Practitioners who identified characteristics of “high quality clinical educators” in a recent survey
Survey Results Characteristics of Higher Education and P-12 Clinical Educators
Research and Professional Reports
Informative exercise, but…
The next spring… The team decided to move away from the idea of the white paper and change the deliverable entirely
Visioning Steps [Day 1, May 2015] 1.Identify promising models for specific elements of Develop templates to collect/create profiles of promising models 1.Use CAEP rubric for Template could include pieces of the Carnegie NIC defining issues, solutions, tests, measure, results, scale 3.Include challenges & tips on how to overcome 4.Measures used to define success (collect instruments) 5.Evidence (data) of effectiveness 6.Include resources
Visioning steps, continued 3.Reach out to gather in open call (call/application includes pk-12 and EPP) 4.Jury applicants 5.Compile in interactive website like Bloomboard (share assessments, resources, etc) 6.Identify areas of further interest for research (coordinated agenda around 2.2) -make into CAEP preconference workshop session - Maybe SIG groups at CAEP conference around 2.2 and other topics
Visioning steps, continued 7.Blueprint based on models -fund research to further promising models and gaps -especially for the development of relevant assessments 8.Could also become edited volume of research
Areas of Focus [Day 2, May 2015] Identify promising models for specific example of Standard 2.2 Find programs with stories worth telling What tools are necessary to replicate? Develop template to collect/create promising models based on elements in 2.2
Reach out, gather responses Provide sources of evidence and supporting data (measures of success) Verify with applicant partner Creation of database of promising (interactive) practices & programs
Next steps [Deliverables by May 2016] Template ready for wide scale sharing Identified some model programs as examples for using the template Lofty goal: creation of database/online repository (tied to funding) Moving toward development of a Blueprint
Timeline… May-June 2015 Draft a template based on elements of 2.2 July-August 2015 Field testing draft template with our own programs Conference call sharing out field testing (prior to mid- August) September 2015 Finalizing the template based on field testing CAEP State Alliance meeting to share experiences
Timeline, continued October-November 2015 Put out call for promising programs to complete template EPP-Couch it in language regarding CAEP, sources of evidence related to Standard 2.2 School partners-Have EPP send to partners to strengthen partnership Include who was involved in the process of completing the template (name, title, affiliation) Collect responses on templates December 2015-February 2016 Review responses using Google Doc matrix or other summarization tool Develop decision rules or benchmarks for promising models as a rubric that demonstrates a professional continuum
Timeline, continued Develop an “exemplar” template that cuts across promising models showcasing the highest level of practice in each element of 2.2 Content validation of our exemplar template and rubric Explore database/interactive website options (e.g. Bloomboard) May 2016—State Alliance Conference Begin development of a Blueprint for clinical educator