EVALUATIONS Evaluations are regulated and required by KDE (KAR’s and KRS’s) All Certified staff are held accountable to job specific domains and standards. The Process Starts with the PGP. The most important part of the evaluation plan- often overlooked
Evaluation Systems Six (6) Classifications for Certified Evaluations
OPGES (Other Professional Growth & Effectiveness System) Four (6) Components 1. Domain 1 (Planning & Preparation) 2. Domain 2 (Environment) 3. Domain 3 (Delivery of Service/Instruction) 4.Domain 4 ( Professional Responsibilities) 5. Student Growth/Impact Goals 6. Student Voice (where applicable)
Overall Rating Two (2) variables will be combined to receive an overall rating. 1.) Professional Practice 2.) Student Growth/Impact Goal
Professional Practice Domains 1-4 Domains 1-4 is considered professional practice and can be all work throughout the year and summative cycle. Evidence can be from a variety of sources on the next page (see page 34 in CEP).
Observation/Worksite Model Formative Phase- Data Collection from observations/worksite visits 1. Pre-conference- are not required, but can be conducted if the evaluator feels it to be beneficial. 2. Observations/Worksite Visit- 2 minis, 1 full, and 1 peer 3. Post- Conferences- Must be conducted face-to face 4. 1 year cycle or 3 year cycle 5. Expect principals to make unscheduled visits to collect formative data. 6. Principals may use any source of evidence collected throughout the evaluation cycle. See page 27-28
Sources of Evidence for “Professional Practice” Sources of evidence that can be used to support educator practice Observations/site visit conducted by certified supervisor observer(s) Program Review evidence team-developed curriculum units lesson plans communication logs timely, targeted feedback from mini or informal observations student data records student work student formative and/or summative course evaluations/feedback minutes from PLCs teacher reflections and/or self-reflections teacher interviews teacher committee or team contributions parent engagement surveys records of student and/or teacher attendance video lessons engagement in professional organizations action research walkthrough observation data (at least 4 different data points) Any other evidence the principal has collected during the evaluation cycle
Frameworks for OPGES Rubric Guidance Counselor/Social Worker Instructional Specialist Library Media Specialist Therapeutic Specialist
CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING OTHER PROFESSIONAL’S “PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RATING ” IF…THEN… Two Domains are rated ACCOMPLISHED and two Domains are rated EXEMPLARY Professional Practice Rating shall be Exemplary Two Domains are rated DEVELOPING and two Domains are rated EXEMPLARY Professional Practice Rating shall be Accomplished Two Domains are rated DEVELOPING and two Domains are rated ACCOMPLISHED Professional Practice Rating shall be Accomplished Domains 1 OR 4 are rated INEFFECTIVEProfessional Practice Rating shall NOT be Exemplary Domains 2 OR 3 are rated INEFFECTIVE Professional Practice Rating shall be Developing or Ineffective Domains 2 and 3 are rated INEFFECTIVEProfessional Practice Rating shall be Ineffective
Student Growth Goals One Student Growth/Impact Goal Local Growth/Impact Goal- Every certified employee that is evaluated in the OPGES System
Student Growth/Impact Goals Student Growth/Impact Goals are measured using one component: Growth
Determining Student Growth Student Growth Target Rating LowExpectedHigh Below 70%70%-85%86-100%
Numerical Value Student Growth RatingNumerical Point Value Low1 point Expected2 points High3 points
Multiple Years of Data The resulting weighted points are then added together to determine the total numerical score. This score will determine the overall student growth rating for the summative cycle as follows. Average Overall Student Growth Rating for Multiple Years Summative Cycle Overall Student Growth Rating Numerical Score Low Expected High years of dataWeight3 years of dataWeight Current Year50%Current Year50% Prior year50%Prior year25% Prior year25%
Overall Performance Rating State Overall Decision Rules for determining educator’s Overall Performance Category. TEACHER OVERALL PERFORMANCE CATEGORY PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE RATINGSTUDENT GROWTH RATING OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING EXEMPLARY HighExemplary ExpectedExemplary LowDeveloping ACCOMPLISHED HighExemplary ExpectedAccomplished LowDeveloping DEVELOPING HighAccomplished ExpectedDeveloping LowDeveloping INEFFECTIVE High Developing Expected Ineffective Low Ineffective
Profession Growth Plan and Summative Cycle Based on the overall Professional Practice rating and Student Growth rating, the type of Professional Growth Plan and the length of the summative cycle will be determined using the chart below.
Summative Form
OPGES Yearly Evaluation Process--Bourbon County Schools Timeline Action First 30 calendar days Evaluation Criteria and process used to evaluate shall be explained and opportunity to ask question. By First 60 work days New teachers and other professionals to the district will have reflected on the components of the four domains within the TPGES/OPGES. The evaluatee will develop and submit his/her Professional Growth Plan (PGP) using the district approved template to the principal or designee. By First 60 work days Student Growth Goals SGG- Teachers review data to establish a baseline to develop SGG and submitted to the principal or designee. Fall semester Mini observations with Post conferences (pre-conferences are not required, but can be conducted if the supervisor finds it beneficial. Post-conferences must be face-to-face) Mid-Year Review Review progress/reflections on growth and modify plan as appropriate Spring Semester Continued implementation and ongoing self-reflection Mini and Full Observations with Post conferences Student Voice Survey – completed by the end of the established window By April 15 SGG- Student growth goals will be presented and discussed Summative reflection and Evaluation- summative evaluation submitted for official personnel record, copy provided to employee who may include written response Prior to the end of closing day All certified teachers and Other Professionals will complete the self-reflection and professional growth planning and submit it to the principal or designee.
Mid-Year Review Every OPGES participant will have to do a mid-year review to see the progress on the student growth goal and the PGP. We have questions for mid-year review that are on our district website. This can be completed from the on-line forms, save, & then uploaded for the principal to view.
Table of Contents of CEP
OPGES Information Look on Page 18 or the table of contents in the CEP until you see your evaluation classification: OPGES Other Professional Growth & Effectiveness System You can also look on the district webpage under PGES
If you scroll down a little farther your will see a “Links” section you will find great resources (PGP Guidance, SGG Guidance, & The Frameworks). See Below:
POLICIES and APPEALS 1. You can access the Certified Evaluation Plan (CEP) on the district website under PGES. 2. You can access the policies and appeals process on the district website under the “about us” drop down.
If you need any clarification concerning the evaluation system please ask your supervisor. If they do not know the answer you can contact