The Classical Western World: Ancient Greek Civilization
Part I: Terms/Wars Government by the nobility Aristocracy Aristocracy
Part I: Terms/Wars Government by all of the citizens Direct Democracy Direct Democracy
Part I: Terms/Wars This war included the battle of Thermopylae, or the 300 Persian War Persian War
Part I: Terms/Wars Government by one person, usually a king or queen Monarchy Monarchy
Part I: Terms/Wars The Greek word for city-state Polis Polis
Part I: Terms/Wars This war led to the Golden Age of Athens Persian War Persian War
Part I: Terms/Wars Early militaristic Greek civilization that was ruled by a warrior-king Mycenae Mycenae
Part I: Terms/Wars Government by a small group of wealthy citizens Oligarchy Oligarchy
Part I: Terms/Wars This war may have resulted from an economic rivalry Trojan War Trojan War
Part I: Terms/Wars In this war, Athens and Sparta fought on the same side Persian War Persian War
Part I: Terms/Wars In this war, Athens and Sparta were enemies Peloponnesian War Peloponnesian War
Part I: Terms/Wars This war RESULTED in disunity among the Greek city-states Persian War Persian War
Part I: Terms/Wars The banishment of a public figure who has threatened democracy Ostracism Ostracism
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both The primary focus of education was to train prospective soldiers Sparta Sparta
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Women were treated with respect, but had no political rights Sparta Sparta
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Ruled by a democracy Athens Athens
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Metics (foreign aliens) Athens Athens
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Ruled by an oligarchy Sparta Sparta
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Perioci (free men that did not own land) Sparta Sparta
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Women had no rights and were to stay out of political affairs Athens Athens
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Boys entered school at the age of 7 Both Both
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Captured outsiders and used as Helots Sparta Sparta
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Citizens had to have been born within the city-state Athens Athens
Part II: Athens/Sparta/Both Council of Elders Sparta Sparta
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Conformity Sparta Sparta
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Beauty Athens Athens
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Humor Athens Athens
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Modesty Sparta Sparta
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Individuality Athens Athens
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Debate Athens Athens
Part III: Values – Athens or Sparta? Endurance Sparta Sparta
Part IV: True or False? The acropolis was the public meeting place of the city-state True True
Part IV: True or False? The Peloponnesian League formed before the Delian League False False
Part IV: True or False? Religion was a major source of conflict between the city-states False False
Part IV: True or False? All of the Greek city-states were democratically governed False False
Part IV: True or False? The Delian League was an alliance of Greek city-states True True
Part IV: True or False? After the Persian War, Athens entered a Golden Age True True
Part V: Unity or Disunity? All of the Greeks spoke the same language Unity Unity
Part V: Unity or Disunity? Festivals such as the Olympics Unity Unity
Part V: Unity or Disunity? The Greeks Believed they were all descendants of Helen Unity Unity
Part V: Unity or Disunity? The existence of slavery Disunity Disunity
Part V: Unity or Disunity? Geographic features Disunity Disunity
Part V: Unity or Disunity? Considered themselves citizens of a polis before citizens of Greece Disunity Disunity
Part V: Unity or Disunity? Fear of the Persians Unity Unity
Part VI: Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was from this region located just north of Greece Macedonia Macedonia
Part VI: Alexander the Great Hellenistic culture, as established by Alexander, included these four cultures Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian