TODAY’S GOALS Finish criteria creation activities (from I&A) Practice creating criteria for evaluating a podcast walking tour Discuss requirements for success in evaluation
UNIT 3 GROUP FORMATION Groups of 3-4 students Each group must have one student with whom you have never worked before It is acceptable for the other students to overlap from previous groups
GROUP ACTIVITY- IDENTIFYING CRITERIA In your unit 3 groups Do exercise 10.1 and 10.2 on p. 287 Try to generate a maximum of 4 criteria for evaluation for each question
CLASS DISCUSSION: PODCAST EVALUATION STRATEGIES Based off our experiences listening to podcast walking tours, what do you expect to hear in a podcast walking tour? When selecting a podcast walking tour for a vacation, what factors would you consider? Of these factors, which do you think are the most important?
GROUP ACTIVITY In your unit 3 groups Generate a list of 6 criteria that your group feels are the most important factors to consider when selecting a podcast walking tour When your list is finalized, write your group number and your list of criteria on the board
CLASS DISCUSSION- EVALUATING FOR SUCCESS How do we decide if a subject fails or succeeds at a particular criteria? What is this “threshold” of success? How do we determine if a subject is an overall failure or success based on the evaluation of several individual criteria?
HOMEWORK Minor Essay 4 Due Friday to by class time Approximately 250 Words, MLA format Purpose: Declare which 3-6 criteria you will use for your podcast walking tour evaluation in your WTE essay and give a brief explanation of each criteria and why they are important Audience: Your fellow classmates and professor. You should keep your writing clear and semi-formal. It is acceptable to use some first person writing, but keep your explanations of criteria objective. Genre: Informative memo This writing should be concise, specific, and thesis based. Introductions, a conclusion, or a discussion of general ideas are not necessary. Keep the information solely focused on the criteria and why they are important