International Electrotechnical Commission International Electrotechnical Commission
International Standard (IS) Technical Specification (TS) Publicly Available Specification (PAS) Technical Report (TR) Joint publications ISO/IEC or IEC/IEEE IEC publications
Technical guidelines or characteristics developed by experts representing all stakeholders Based on international consensus Always voluntary What is an IEC International Standard?
All views of all concerned parties have been taken into account Sustained opposition on substantial issues has been overcome consensus unanimity Consensus
Established standards development process National Committees involved at each stage Technical committees (TCs) for specific fields of activity How is an IEC International Standard developed
New Proposal (NP) Committee Draft (CD) Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) International Standard (IS) Standards development stages
1.Stakeholder identifies need – sends to TC or contacts NC 2.NC sends NP to TC or to IEC SMB 3.P-Members comment/vote 4.Work starts if: positive decision by simple majority of P- Members minimum quota of experts from different countries is reached New proposal for IEC International Standard
2 commenting and 2 voting stages WD – Working Draft : experts work independently - month 6 CD – Committee Draft + Compilation of Comments: repeated commenting; majority of comments are received at this stage - month 12 Path to publication of an IEC International Standard
CDV – Committee Draft for Vote + Report on Vote: all Members can comment and vote; public enquiry in some countries - month 24 FDIS – Final Draft International Standard – Report of voting on FDIS: 2/3 majority needed, no more than 25% negative votes - month 32 IS – International Standard – month 33 Path to publication of IEC IS
Date for review agreed during FDIS vote withdraw Standard? no change needed? revision/amending needed? Review Report – TC starts work Maintenance review
IEC Global relevance policy Inclusion of essential differences environment infrastructure Ensuring global relevance
What is a patent? Patent = exclusive rights granted by government to inventor Standards and patents encourage investment in innovations and the dissemination of technology
Patent policy Publications must be exploitable by users without undue constraints Respect Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of owners RAND (reasonable and non- discriminatory)
How IEC International Standards are used National adoption national or regional adoption formal adoption process in some countries used directly by reference in regulation Regulation safety health environment EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
International Electrotechnical Commission