An Analysis of a 4 x 10 Work Week Presented by: Darryl Clouse
Background #1 Suggestion in Office of Continuing Improvement In June 2008 Systems Management surveyed 520 Employees: 89% interested in 4 x 10 95% said they could do it if mandatory 75% preferred 4 x 10 with Fridays off vs. other options. 8% wanted no change
Premise Buildings Open Mon-Thurs 7:00 – 6:00 Closed on Fridays 44 hours per week vs. 45 now Employees work 10 hour days 30/45/60 minute lunch options Allow start times 30 minutes +/- 7:00 AM Start Time30 Min Lunch45 Min Lunch60 Min Lunch 6:30 AM5:00 PM5:15 PM5:30 PM 7:00 AM5:30 PM5:45 PM6:00 PM 7:30 AM6:00 PM6:15 PM6:30 PM
Why Close on Friday? Slowest day of the week for: Over The Counter Building Permits Non Residential Permits Planning Division Walk-Ins Contractor Licensing Citrus Resource Center Walk Ins Better Utility savings with 3 days Preferred by 75% of Employees
Savings Study Fuel Uniforms Equipment Maintenance Utilities Efficiency
Fuel Savings 4 Round Trips per week to the field rather than 5. Even though they do the same amount of work once in the field, they have one less round trip per week. Average commute to/from the field is at least 20 miles a day per vehicle, and in many cases much higher. Estimated fuel savings is $56,700 based on $2.15 / gallon (average of gas + diesel) using 12.5 mpg average.
Additional Savings Uniforms –Uniforms are required 4 days rather than 5 –Estimated savings is about $9,700 (+/-) Vehicle Maintenance Savings –Maintenance costs average 6 cents/mile –Estimated savings is $18,500 Payroll Savings –Two employees at the Resource Center will voluntarily cut hours instead of working 4 x 10 –Savings is $9,500
Facility Savings Closing on Fridays allows 3 days and 4 nights of consecutive energy reduction per week, roughly 1,120 hours of reduced consumption per year. Since buildings are empty longer heat sources (lights, copiers, computers) can also be shut down. Progress Energy says we should save a minimum of 8.5%- 9% by closing an office building on Fridays. Withlacoochee Electric is raising rates 4.7% for 2009, and Progress Energy much more. Most affected buildings are WREC powered. Net electric savings is estimated at $23,500 Water/sewer estimated at $1,900 Janitorial Savings estimated at $5,300
Spending Summary Fuel $ 56,700 Uniforms $ 9,700 Vehicle Maintenance $ 14,400 Salaries $ 9,500 Elec/Water/Janitorial $ 30,700 Reduced Spending $121,000 (+/-)
Break Gain 5 x 8 4 x 10 Work Days / Week 54 Breaks Per Day 22 Breaks Per Week 108 Minutes Per Break 15 Minutes Per Week Saved/Wk/Emp 30 Weeks Per Year (3 Friday holidays +2.5 vac) 46.5 Hrs/Year/Employee Employees Affected 474/11,021 HRS Value in Payroll $$ $179,500 (+/-) Reflects Actual Payroll As of Feb 2009
Transit/Commute Gain Employees who work in the field lose time each day: Clocking in Gathering work orders and assignments Determining best route for the day Loading tools / equipment (if required) Driving to the first assignment. Most jobs are a minimum of 10 miles one way, and many are much more than that. Setting up the work site (traffic cones, unload equipment, tools, etc) Quit early enough to reload equipment and be back at the yard to avoid overtime. Managers say the average field person loses 2 hours per day just in transit.
10 Mile Driving Range From LGC
Transit/Commuting Savings 195 Employees Affected by 4 X 10 Work In Field Savings just 2 hours per week in commuting time per employee = 18,135 Hours per year, worth $291,500 in payroll (as of Feb 2009).
Financial Summary SpendingEfficiencyTotal Fuel$ 56,700 Uniforms$ 9,700 Vehicle Maintenance $ 14,400$ 18,500 Salary$ 9,500$ 9,600 Utilities + Janitorial $ 30,700$ 30,600 Break Gain11,021 Hrs $179,500 Transit Gain18,135 Hrs $291,500 Totals (Rnd)$121,00029,156 Hrs+/- $592,000
Footnotes Fuel savings based on road vehicles only, no heavy equipment Electric savings includes Withlacoochee Electric increase of 4.7% and 25% by Progress Energy. Electric savings are conservative. We’ll use 4 x 10 holiday schedule on page 38 of the Employee Handbook All Break and Transit Gains assume current staff levels
Intangibles No allowance for fatigue loss due to 10 hour days (Evidence says this tapers off as people adapt to the schedule, more of an issue in the winter with less daylight.) No allowance for weather related delays and loss of productivity. Storms have the potential to cause more down time since crews are in the field longer. But, they also reduce this risk by not being exposed to storms on Fridays. A major storm event will also skew fuel consumption for the whole year. Since employees can schedule personal appointments on Fridays, absenteeism should drop. Every jurisdiction contacted reported that absenteeism/sick leave dropped 20% or more. There is nothing in these calculations to reflect that. Fuel and electric will have to be judged by actual consumption, not costs. Gas has fluctuated from $4 to $1.50 to $2.00 in the last 6 months. An unusually hot or mild summer could drastically affect electrical consumption with no relationship to the 4x10 schedule. Since both electric providers are raising rates, net dollar savings will likely net out around 0-4%, even though we used less electricity. Staying on 5 x 8s will likely result in increases of 5-25%. Employee morale has value, but no way to measure per se. All jurisdictions reported wide-spread employee acceptance, the lowest being 70% with others into the 90%+ range.
Opinions 89% Of Surveyed Employees Are Interested and 75% prefer Fridays off. 90% Of Surveyed Walk-In Citizens Approved * 65 Of 81 Contractors responding to a survey approved, and another 8 approved if emergency situations could be handled. (Building said they could). * * Fuel prices were at their peak when this survey was done and savings shown on the survey were higher than they are now.
Already There.. Margate Florida (Oct 2008) Morale is way up, widespread acceptance by employees and citizens Absenteeism is down considerably 3 week transition A little tougher in the winter with limited daylight They are compiling data right now for a report due out in 2 weeks but they expect significant savings Gainesville, Florida (Sept 29, 2008) Estimated $80-$100K electrical savings. Widespread acceptance by citizens/business community. Overwhelming acceptance by 700 employees. Bradenton, Florida (July 2008) City Clerk reports 9-15% electrical savings despite 3 rate increases, and they did not close Public Works, Police or Fire Miami-Dade (July 2008) 2,100 Employees, 25 Departments
Already There … Birmingham, AL (July 2008) 2,500 Employees Brevard Community College (Aug 2008) Absenteeism down 44% State of Utah (Aug 2008) 17,000 Employees 70% approve of the schedule as of Feb 2009 Energy savings were less than the 20% they had projected but still significant. Interim report is due out within weeks Belleview, FL (Sept 2008) 23% drop in Sick Time Employees love it Analysis is due in a couple months. Coconut Grove, Florida. (Oct ,000 Population) 22% Less Absenteeism 95% of the employees approve of the schedule 86% of the citizens favored the changes due to convenience