Gayatri Wailissa “ I want to be the youngest diplomat ever”
Gayatri Wailissa 17 year old Masters 14 foreign languages Ambasador of children for Southeast Asia in 2012
Strategy Study 14 languages independently Reading book and dictionary Listening to music and radio Watching movie Chatting with natives
How motivation can affect second language learning?
Motivation is starting point Inner determination Passion Our brain is seduced Empathy to target language We tend to speak like native
Learning books Conversation Dictionary Tenses
Dictionary List 2 English words per day 14 words a week 60 words a month 720 words a year
Tenses Future Simple Continuous Past participle Present Simple Continuous Past participle 12 Tenses Past Simple Continuous Past particip
Conversation Pattern We often hear in certain way A: How are you B: I’m just fine. How about you?
Conversation Structure Subject + is/am/are + adjective I am happy We are happy Subject + Verb + Object + Adverb she eats banana now we ate banana yesterday
Listening, Watching and Chatting Make our ears used to Can perfect our pronounciation Comparison of pronounciation We can differentiate native from non native
Conclusion Motivation takes significant role in learning an improving second language