CAR for Immigration Stories Steve Doig Arizona State University
Some immigration data sources Current Population Survey (CPS) INS Yearbook INS Legal Residency file Miscellaneous Decennial Census
Current Population Survey Done by Census for BLS 50,000 surveyed each month Citizenship question added in Annual report of “Foreign-Born Population in the U.S.” 60 detailed tables (ASCII text)
Table example
CPS limits National or regional focus Have to combine years for states Available tables don’t cover all possibilities Use FERRET to make own cross-tabs
INS Yearbook Subjects: Immigrants Refugees/Asylees Temporary Admissions Naturalizations Enforcement Downloadable Excel tables
INS Excel table example
INS Legal Residency file Covers legal immigrants Data: Entry point, admission date, age, gender, nationality, occupation, ZIP,etc. 659,000 records in 1998 Purchase from NICAR
Miscellaneous data sources Census population estimates Health care admissions Criminal justice system
Decennial Census Done every 10 years Census Day: April 1, 2000 To be answered by everyone Huge effort! Uses: Political redistricting Government planning and policy Marketing Sociological research
Short Form 7 questions 10 minutes to fill out Goes to 5/6 of households Also called “100% data”
Short Form Questions Name and phone (confidential) Gender Age and date of birth Relationship Race Hispanic Origin Tenure
Long Form (Sample data) 52 questions (including the short form): Personal social characteristics: Education, mobility, disability, veteran, et al Personal economic characteristics Occupation, industry, income, et al. Housing physical characteristics Rooms, year, vehicles, facilities, et al. Housing financial characteristics Rent, shelter costs, et al.
Immigration-related questions Race/national origin Hispanic origin Citizenship status Relationship Occupation, industry and sector Highest schooling completed Language spoken at home English ability Birth place Year of entry Home five years ago Income Housing
What’s NOT Asked Religious preference Political party affiliation Sexual orientation Crime victimization Health status and disability Union membership Number of miles commuting to work Age of vehicle Type of vehicle Size of house Condition of house
Immigration questions NOT asked Legal vs. illegal immigrant Place of entry Type of visa Work permit Family in home country Income sent to home country
Rollout: March, 2001 PL data Count of population by race/ethnic group Down to block level Immigration (?) stories: Growth Children Segregation Diversity
Rollout: Summer % data (SF1) Flow state by state Down to block level Age, race, Hispanic origin, gender, relationship, tenure
Rollout: Fall 2001 Summary File 2 (short form) Detailed race and Hispanic origin counts down to the census tract
Rollout: Summer 2002 Sample (long form) data All the good stuff! Released state by state Down to block-group(?) level
Finding SF3 stories General principles: Change over time Comparisons to other areas Comparisons within own area Study the tables for ideas “Interview” the data
Some SF3 story ideas National origin by neighborhood Languages spoken Occupations and industries Income and poverty Citizenship by birthplace Household relationships Compare generations
Rollout: PUMS Public Use Microdata Sample Anonymous answers to census questions Allows you to create your own tables Available in 2003 (maybe sooner on internet)
CAR tools Computer Internet connection Web browser Spreadsheet (Excel) Database manager (Access, et al.) Mapping (ArcView, et al.)
ArcView mapping
Census geography Tiled: Block Block-group Tract County State Other: Place, ZIP, reservation, et al.
Online census resources “Reporting Census 2000”