REVIEW Classification and the 6 Kingdoms
Classification: Scientists way of grouping organisms together based on how closely they are related – consider appearance, behaviour, and DNA when grouping
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species The classification system has 7 levels: Most General (Kingdom) More Specific (Species) The more similarities two organisms share, the more recently they may have shared a common ancestor.
What is Microbiology? Microbiology is the field of biology that studies microorganisms such as: Viruses Bacteria Protozoa Fungi Organisms that cause disease are called pathogens
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Microorganisms are either: Prokaryotic – Eukaryotic – cells which have no nucleus and no membrane- bound organelles (archaea and eubacteria) cells which have numerous membrane-bound organelles including a nucleus (protists, fungi, plants, animals)
They can be so small! Microorganisms usually require magnification to be observed. Many are unicellular (made of a single cell) and others form multicellular groups of associated cells.
Why study Microbiology? 1.Microorganisms are a part of our environment, affecting our health – and sometimes causing disease 2.Microorganisms can improve the quality of our lives (food, antibiotics, vaccines, brewing, fermentation) Insulin Production Penicillin
Why study microbiology? 3. Microorganisms are good tools to study life processes and molecular biology a.Simple life forms b.Can grow quickly c.Biotechnology and genetics research tool
The Bad Side: Diseases caused by microorganisms Common Cold AIDS/ HIV Leprosy Salmonella Cholera Meningitis Tetanus Tuberculosis
Who is W.H.O.? World Health Organization a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is concerned with international public health It’s primary goal: "is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health” One of its greatest achievements was the eradication of smallpox through vaccinations