Obesity and Overweight among Adolescents in Northwest Communities of Tanzania: An Emerging Public Health Challenge. JOHN NGONYANI Coordinator Huduma ya Kwanza kwa Jamii Project Third Year Medical Student Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences-Bugando
Background The World is home to 1.2 billion individuals aged years, 88% resides in developing World 1. In 2025, 75% of obese population will be in developing countries 2. Death due to chronic disease projected to rise by 17% in ten years 3. 1.UNICEF,2011; 2.Kamadjeu RM et al,2006;3.Victoria CG et al 2008.
Problem Statement and Rationale Childhood obesity has strong association with adulthood obesity and related adverse health consequences 1. The primary prevention and control of obesity is based on identification of risk factors contributing to the rapid increase of obesity. 1. Hazbun OM et al,2009.
Objectives Broad Objective To assess the prevalence and associated factors of overweight and obesity among high school adolescents in communities of Mwanza city. Specific Objectives To determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among high school adolescents in communities Mwanza city. To determine the risk factors for overweight and obesity among high school adolescents in communities Mwanza city.
Research Methods Study Design: Cross-sectional Institutional based Cross sectional study Study site & Duration: Mwanza City from September-October 2014 Study Population and Sample Size: 381 high school adolescents aged years from Mwanza City
Methods The interview done to students for the socio demographic history Adolescent’s life style information Pattern of dietary intake were enquired.
Methods cont…. Measure of overweight and obesity: From each subject a trained examiners took height and weight measurements. The values obtained were used to calculate body mass index (BMI), by dividing weight in kilograms (kg) by height (M2)in meters squared (kg/m2) (WHO,2000).
Diet : a one-day, 24 hour dietary recall interview. Sedentary behavior : Sedentary behavior is the total daily TV/computer screen time per day Physical activity : leisure-time physical activity levels per week
Data Analysis & Ethical Consideration Collected data was entered and analyzed by using IBM SPSS version 20. Results were described as means, proportion and measures of association was calculated. This study sought ethical clearance from the CUHAS/BMC institutional review board Mwanza city council granted permission to conduct this study
Results Mean age was ± 1.50 The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 14.2% and 2.6% respectively. The prevalence of overweight (13.4%) and obesity (2.6%) in adolescents residing in boarding school was higher than (0.8% overweight, 0% obese) those residing out of school campus. The meal frequency, meat, vegetables, fruits consumption was statistically significant with the p value of P<0.05.
Discussion The overall prevalence of overweight and obese in this study was much higher compared to the study done in Gondar Town, North West Ethiopia (5.4% overweight and 0.5% obese) 1. The possible reasons could explain this might be difference in cultural practice of dietary intake. 1.Gebregergs GB et al 2013,
The age related prevalence of Overweight and Obese increase as age increases,this findings correlate with observation done in the United States and internationally from preschool children to adolescents 1-6. This could be due to increase in hormonal changes as age progress within adolescent period also decrease of daily activities can explain this findings. 1. Reeder BA et al 1992,2. Ogden CL et al 2002,3. Flegal KM et al 2002, 4.Caballero B et al 2003,5. Hedley AA et al 2004,6. Ogden CL et al 2006.
Sex specific variable was strongly associated with overweight and obese. The prevalence of overweight was similar with findings from Gondar Town 1, Ghana and Uganda (10.4% girls, 3.2% boys were overweight while 0.9% females and 0.5% males were obese) Gebregergs GB et al 2013,2.Peltzer K et al 2011
Diet related factors like meal frequency, vegetable intake, fruits intake and meat intake was statistically significantly related to prevalence of overweight and obese with p value< These findings were similar from study done at Hawassa, Southern Ethiopia 1,in contrary with studies done in Turkey 2, Saudi Arabia 3 and in Europe 3,4 1. Tesfalem T et al 2013,2. Robert F et al 2009, 3. de Sa J et al 2008, 4.Aggarwal T et al 2008.
Conclusion The present study attempts to highlight adolescent’s overweight/obesity as an emerging health problem which need to be confirmed by large scale studies Effective preventive strategies should be developed to halt this epidemic at its beginning
Recommendations School based intervention like nutritional education ( health eating ). Encourage physical activity. Increase awareness about impact of obesity on health. Weight management at family level.
Acknowledgement Higher Education Student Loan’s Board Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences- Bugando Tanzania Rural Health Movement Mwanza City Municipal Council High School Students in Mwanza Urban SUPERVISORS : Dr. HYASINTA JAKA (CUHAS-BUGANDO) Dr. MIRIAM MIRAMBO(CUHAS-BUGANDO)