Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Welcome to the world of M.C. Escher A Middle School Level Webquest Designed by T.J. Walling Teachers
Maurits Cornelis Escher ( ) is one of the world's most famous artists. His art is enjoyed by millions of people all over the world. You will be learning about some of his most famous work and thinking about how Escher played with our brain’s natural process of making 3 - D images from 2 – D sources. His works are far more interesting than simple optical illusions. When you have finished your web quest you will produce a work of art that Escher would appreciate. Introduction
Task Dur ing this project you will be reading an article about M.C. Escher. You will search the official M.C. Escher website, and create your own tessellation pattern. All of these activities will help you in your final activity, creating an informative picture story about M.C. Escher or the mathematics of his tessellation work. IntroTask Process Eval.
ProcessStep One: Read the article The Impossible Worlds of M.C.Escher. After reading the article there is a short assessment to check your recall of factual information and level of comprehension. Step Two: View a short instructional video to learn how to create you very own tessellation pattern. Then you have a choice about how to proceed. Step Three: Explore the official M.C. Escher web site and record any additional information you find interesting and would like to add to your Photo Story. Step Four: Produce and record your own Photo Story about the life of M.C. Escher Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 IntroTask Process Eval.
Click the speaker to read along Take the Quiz IntroTask Process Eval.
NAME __________________________ Use the back of the printed page to make your tessellation plain. When you have the paper in your hand click back to the process page below. Print this page and complete the quiz, save the page for your next task. IntroTask Process Eval.
Step 2 Making a Tessellation Shape Click the box to start a video about M.C. Escher. You can make your shape two different ways. You can use index cards and scissors that your teacher will provide; or use your computers Paint program and just print your final product. This process can be used with a smart board using the infinite cloner as well. Don’t be afraid to experiment Your shape will most likely be abstract not something recognizable like lizards. You might be able to draw a picture onto the shape you create. Paper Instructions Paint Instructions IntroTask Process Eval.
Advanced Tessellation Instructions Back IntroTask Process Eval.
Step 1 open paint and make a square with solid color. Step 2 use the free form Select tool, cut a shape From your box and drag it across the box to the other side. (changing the zoom helps) I left a gap to show where your cut goes. Step 3 repeat the cutting Process using the free form select tool along a remaining straight edge. Step 4 copy and paste your image several times. Step 5 change the colors With the fill tool. Step 6 and beyond IntroTask Process Eval.
Step 6 use the transparent background selection tool to put your images together. I left some space for demonstration purposes. Step 7 cut and paste you shape repeatedly until your page is full. Step 8 Print your page and turn in the work. Great Job! This example was made using paper and a smart document camera, then using the infinite cloner. IntroTask Process Eval.
Escher Web site During step 3 you will explore the official M.C. Escher website. Be sure to check out the downloads that explain some of the optical illusions Escher created. Watch interviews with the master himself. Be sure to open a word document to take notes about facts, dates, and titles of his works; these will be a great help when you begin your Photo Story. Click the self portrait to enter the official M.C. Escher page. IntroTask Process Eval.
Photo StoryThis is the final piece of your web quest. By now you have read the article and taken the quiz. You have learned how and created a tessellation. You have explored the official web site of the M.C. Escher foundation. now you should be ready to create your own presentation about the life and work of M.C. Escher. To accomplish this you are going to learn to use a program called photo Story. It is free to download and easy to learn. Follow the instructions and you will create a great presentation. Below is an example made by some eighth grade students in Louisville Kentucky, click the box to watch. Begin the project by opening Photo Story on your computer. if your computer does not have the program you can download it for free. Open the start icon and find Photo Story icon. When you open the program the page looks like the picture below. Next Download ?’s IntroTask Process Eval.
Click the box to watch the tutorial video before you begin. It will be helpful to create a new folder on your desktop to keep track of the images you want to use in your Photo story. To do this right click on you desktop and create a new folder. Make your folder title unique. You may use other Escher folders if they exist on the desktop. Save your completed project in this folder as well. Follow the instructions in the video to create your project you will want to Create music and save the project as a movie as a wmv file. This will allow your teacher to upload your movie onto the class YouTube file. Your photo story needs to be at least 1 minute long and consist of at least 10 images. IntroTask Process Eval.
Download helper For Photo Story In order to download Photo Story 3: 1 st open your internet browser and Search Photo Story 3 2 nd click the Microsoft link for the free download 3 rd follow the simple 2 step process and get started. Get started
Evaluation Project ComponentWere you able to …..Points Possible Escher ReadingRecall facts Answer for comprehension Recall 5 Comprehension 5 Tessellation CreationCreate a digital or paper shape that tessellates Completed tessellation 15 Photo StoryCreate an informative photo story that is accurate and interesting Be sure that your finished movie meets the time and image requirements detailed in the instructions 25 Total possible 50 IntroTask Process Eval.
Conclusion Congratulations, having successfully read and answered the short quiz, creating your own tessellated pattern, researching and creating your own Photo Story, you are now quite the expert regarding M.C. Escher and his amazing body of work. I appreciate the hard work and dedication it took to go through this process; I hope you are excited to view some of your peers tessellations and Photo Stories. IntroTask Process Eval.
Teachers The tasks in this project cover the following content standards Literacy Standards RI.8.5 – Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept. Science Standard - I can describe the transfer of energy via (light) waves in real life phenomena. ( )) Writing Standard - W-8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and analyze relevant content. KYTS 6 Technology Advanced-Level Performance Uses technology to design and plan instruction. Uses appropriate technology to design and plan instruction that supports and extends learning of all students. * Activity covers 6.1 – 6.5 at advanced level performance