Originally coined by Tim O’Reilly Publishing Media Second generation of services available on www. Lets people collaborate and share info online in previously unavailable ways Changes ‘the way’ Software Developers and end-users utilize the web Does not refer to any specific technological advancement
TWO WAY COMMUNICATION Read / write web People are readers / writers and share their views Creates conversation between people WEB SERVICES Establishes Machine to machine interaction Communication using API
TWO WAY COMMUNICATION Eg.. Blogs Photo / video sharing Social networks WEB SERVICES Eg… G mail Google Google Maps Google search engine
Web as a platform Democratization of web Distributing Info
Provides a service rather than a product Netscape Vs Google Netscape Browser as a product Packaged and sold Google Multi platform service No selling and packaging Middleman between internet servers and a user
Provides a service rather than a product Double Click Vs Google Adsense Double Click Internet Advertising Solutions Company Used for Digital Marketing Formal Marketing by selling website space Google Adsense Completely free Create a website using Eblogger Host advertisements related to your data Earn revenue through PPC
Refers to how people access and contribute to Internet Emphasizes importance of people’s interactions Opportunity to contribute to Internet Harnessing collective intelligence
Wikipedia Enter info Modify existing info Delete sections of info
Wikipedia Fully public – anyone can edit Fully private – access can be restricted to small or large groups Hybrids – public viewing but editing is restricted on some/all sections
Social Bookmarking is a way of saving and viewing your favorite articles online The most commonly used social bookmarking site – Helps to bookmark all your favorite websites in one location Centralized service Enables easy search of all your favorite articles wherever you are
Tagging Labels that allow users to associate info with particular topics Adding tags to any type of digital resource
Photo sharing site that has extensive use of tagging Common database for both pictures and tags Centralized service Incorporates tag clouds Enables easy search, filtering and exploring due to user generated tags
Organization of data based on users tags Different from Taxonomy,the formal hierarchical organization of data Folksonomy –power to people Flipside - Tagging and folksonomies create flaws that other formal classification systems eliminate Ex. Taxonomy(library)Vs Folksonomy
Open Source Software Allows anyone to access code created by others Free to modify code created by others Acts as an efficient tool for testing software
Dynamic web pages Highly interactive RSS Blogs
Blogs WEB LOG Personal Home Page in diary format Organized in reverse chronological Reaches out to many netizens Effective way of distributing info Blogger sees the most recent entries Uses Permalinks
RSS Rich Site Summary Rich Site Summary RSS feeds or news feeds RSS feeds or news feeds News headlines with links to full articles News headlines with links to full articles Read with news feed software Read with news feed software
Retronym State of www before web 2.0 No dynamically generated content
Static websites Traditional websites Vs Blogs Non interactive World book Encyclopedia Vs Wikipedia 1.0 applications are proprietary which users can download- cannot modify Netscape Vs Firefox
Yes. Definitely Pages for Restaurants / Hotels – need to make amendments rare Certain info sources need to be rigid – otherwise user can vandalize info like in Wikipedia.
Like a personal assistant Search based on CONTEXT rather than key words Richer and more relevant experiences
Richer and more relevant experiences
Semantic Web Tim Berners-Lee’s view of web Search based on both key words and CONTEXT
A piece of jargon Nobody even knows what it means Retrospective concept Marketing gimmick