Congestion Busting Toolbox Brief Bridges and Tunnels ‘Help keep London Rolling’
Causes of congestion Below are some of the main causes of congestion in the capital Collisions – 28% Vehicle breakdowns – 9% Highway authority works – 19% Utility works – 19% Special events – 4% Other issues – 21%
Effects of congestion Congestion wastes time Makes it difficult to predict journey times Wastes fuel – which costs money and is bad for the environment Slows down the emergency services Increases wear and tear on vehicles Increases driver stress
Facts on bridge strikes Each year there are around 1500 bridge strikes – many more unreported. Especially driving in London
Facts on bridge strikes Bridge strikes in London between 1 st April st March2012 Coburn Road Bow 2 2 Stevenage Road East Ham 2 2 A11 Bow Road Bow 3 3 Lower Downs Road Wimbledon 6 6 Southend Lane Lower Sydenham 5 5 Coldharbour Lane Brixton 3 3 Brixton Lane Brixton 5 5 Station Road South Ruislip 9 9
Height limits explained 16ft 6in (5.03) What is the UK standard for bridge clearance?
Height limits explained Any bridge with less clearance than this must have a warning sign showing the safe clearance
At what time of the day are you more likely to strike a bridge? Time of day predictions?
Height limits Don’t move the vehicle Report the strike immediately to the Rail Authority Report the strike immediately to the Rail Authority Advise the police using 999 Use the telephone number for control office on the plate at the bridge Use the telephone number for control office on the plate at the bridge
Over-height vehicles and lack of fuel have closed Blackwall Tunnel about 1,200 times per year Blackwall tunnel On average
Unnecessary closures, many of which occur at peak time, stop up to 750 vehicles a day passing through Blackwall tunnel On average
The Blackwall Tunnel carries about 110,000 vehicles a day Blackwall tunnel On average
For every minute the tunnel is closed, it stops up to 60 vehicles getting through For every minute the tunnel is closed, it stops up to 60 vehicles getting through Blackwall tunnel On average
Early recognition Check your height Safety when driving through tunnels
Approaching the tunnel Check your fuel level Switch headlights on Take off your sunglasses Safety when driving through tunnels
Observe the speed limits Keep your distance Mental note Inside the tunnel Safety when driving through tunnels
Turn on hazard lights Move to the nearside Turn off your engine Accident inside the tunnel
Make the link
Congestion Busting Toolbox Brief Thank you and any questions?