Chapter 7 Driving Privileges & Penalties
“Driving is a privilege, not a right”
Losing the Driving Privileges Pg 112 If you lose your license for a drunk driving conviction or any other violation: You cannot drive for any reason until the period of suspension ends and your license is restored. A Habitual Offender is a driver whose license has been suspended 3 times in 3 years. ** Depending on your driving history of traffic violations, a suspension revocation of driving privileges could occur.
Reasons for loss of driving privileges may include, but is not limited to the following: Pg 112 Failure to appear in court or to pay fines Failure to appear in court or to pay fines Failure to pay surcharges Failure to pay surcharges Driving while suspended Driving while suspended Failure to provide proof of insurance Failure to provide proof of insurance Physical or mental disqualification Physical or mental disqualification Drug or alcohol use Drug or alcohol use Repeated traffic law violations Repeated traffic law violations Reckless driving Reckless driving Vehicle abandonment on a public highway Vehicle abandonment on a public highway At fault in a fatal accident At fault in a fatal accident
Drinking and Driving Pg Under 21 years old with a BAC above.01 while operating a vehicle will be penalized!! Under 21 years old with a BAC above.01 while operating a vehicle will be penalized!! As of January ,.08 BAC is considered driving under the influence for motorists 21 years or older. As of January ,.08 BAC is considered driving under the influence for motorists 21 years or older. Simple Plan Video Simple Plan Video
Mandatory Penalties Pg years or older with a BAC of.08% but less than.10% 21 years or older with a BAC of.08% but less than.10% First Offense only: 3 month driving privilege suspension 3 month driving privilege suspension $250 to $400 fine $250 to $400 fine IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center)-An alcohol education and highway safety program which may last up to 16 weeks. IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center)-An alcohol education and highway safety program which may last up to 16 weeks. $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years
Mandatory Penalties Pg 114 First Offense for: First Offense for: 21 years or older with a BAC of more than.10% 21 years or older with a BAC of more than.10% 7 month to 1 year license suspension 7 month to 1 year license suspension $300-$500 fine $300-$500 fine IDRC fee; $230/day IDRC fee; $230/day $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years $1,000 annual surcharge for 3 years
If you are under 21: Pg 114 First offense: BAC.01% or more but less than.08% day suspension of driving privilege days community service IDRC
Breath Tests Pg 117 NJ has a Implied Consent Law NJ has a Implied Consent Law means that the drivers on NJ roads have agreed, just by using the NJ roads, to submit a breath test given by the law of hospital. means that the drivers on NJ roads have agreed, just by using the NJ roads, to submit a breath test given by the law of hospital. Motorist refusing to take breath test Motorist refusing to take breath test Are subject to a MVC insurance surcharge of $1,000/year for 3 years. Are subject to a MVC insurance surcharge of $1,000/year for 3 years. If you refuse: it is equivalent to driving with a BAC of.10% for a 1 st time offense. If you refuse: it is equivalent to driving with a BAC of.10% for a 1 st time offense. *IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center) *IDRC (Intoxicated Driver Resource Center) DWI Video DWI Video
Driver Programs Pg 122 Driver Improvement Program- Driver Improvement Program- Motorists accumulating between points in more than a 24 month period will receive a “Notice of Scheduled Suspension” by mail from MV After receiving the notice, you can: After receiving the notice, you can: Attend a NJ driver improvement program; completion will result in 3 points removed Attend a NJ driver improvement program; completion will result in 3 points removed Request a hearing Request a hearing Surrender the driver license for the suspension period Surrender the driver license for the suspension period
Defensive Driving Courses Pg 123 Most road collisions are caused by motorist error. They teach collision prevention techniques. When completed: 2 points removed from license Insurance rate reduction Only recognized once every 5 years
Probationary Driver Program Pg 123 Two-year probationary driver period after you receive a special learner’s or examination permit. Two-year probationary driver period after you receive a special learner’s or examination permit. Probationary Driver School Program- Must enroll if you are convicted of 2 or more moving violations totaling 4 or more points. Probationary Driver School Program- Must enroll if you are convicted of 2 or more moving violations totaling 4 or more points. Corrects improper and dangerous driving habits. Corrects improper and dangerous driving habits. Completion will result in a 3 point reduction Completion will result in a 3 point reduction
The Point System pg 125 MV (motor vehicle) keeps track of individual driving records through a point system that assigns a point value to each traffic violation. The more serious the violation the more points. 2 points will be added to driving records for offenses committed out of state. Up to 3 point will be subtracted from driving records every 12 consecutive month a driver is “clean” Points can never go below zero
Moving Violations-Point Values pgs Tailgating Tailgating Reckless Reckless Exceeding max speed limit miles over Exceeding max speed limit miles over Exceeding max speed limit miles over Exceeding max speed limit miles over Passing a stopped school bus Passing a stopped school bus Leaving the scene of an accident ( with injuries) Leaving the scene of an accident ( with injuries) 5 Points 2 points 4 Points 5 points 8 Points
If you lose your license, NJ does not allow special work licenses! Pg 129 Driving is not permitted for any reason until the period of suspension ends & the motorist receives a notice of restoration. Driving is not permitted for any reason until the period of suspension ends & the motorist receives a notice of restoration.