Board Election Overview (To be held in October 2015)
2 Board Election Overview - Agenda 1)Nomination Qualification Requirements 2)Commitment Requirements for Term of Office 3)Description of Open Board Positions 4)Schedule of Election Activities 5)Nomination Submittal Process 6)Nomination Required Information
3 1.Nomination Qualification Requirements: In order to qualify for election to a Board position, a member must meet the following two requirements: The member must be a Chapter Member in good standing. The member must be a regular individual member or retiree member in PMI ®. And the member must also meet one of the following three requirements: The member must have earned the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. The member must have served on a chapter committee during the calendar year previous to the elected or appointed term of office. The member must be granted an exception to these requirements by a majority of the Board of Directors of the PMI-Central Ohio Chapter.
4 2.Commitment Requirements for Term of Office: The “Treasurer” Board position will serve a two (2) year term of office which will be 2016 & The “President-Elect” Board position is a 3-year commitment and will serve a one (1) year term of office which will be Followed by a one (1) year term of office as President in Followed by a one (1) year term of office as Past President in 2018.
5 Treasurer The Treasurer shall oversee the management of funds for duly authorized purposes of the PMI- Central Ohio Chapter. The roles and responsibilities of this office include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following: Develop and maintain an annual operating budget for the fiscal year Prepare monthly financial reports on the activities and financial status of the Chapter Prepare all tax and financial reports for the Chapter as required by the PMI Headquarters, local, state, and federal governments The Treasurer shall have the VP, Finance; report to him/her and be responsible for supporting the President and the Board. Support a clean and timely transition to the position’s successor 3.Description of Open Board Positions:
6 Treasurer (Continued) The roles and responsibilities of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following: Oversees and is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of financial records of all Chapter monies received from dues, meeting payments, etc., and pay all bills. Promptly deposit all funds received. Oversees and is responsible for the development of an annual operating budget for the fiscal year, which will require “The Board’s approval to take affect. Oversees and is responsible for the preparation of monthly financial reports on the activities and financial status of the Chapter. Oversees and is responsible for the management of all financial arrangements for meetings and special events, including the registration desk, collection of fees, and payment to meeting place. Responsible to prepare all tax and financial reports for the Chapter as required by PMI Hdq., local, state, and federal governments. 3.Description of Open Board Positions:
7 Treasurer (Continued) Responsible for providing form 1099 (Misc.) as required Establish and monitor Chapter compliance with IRS tax code and “Tax Exempt Certificate” use. File annual report with Ohio Department of Taxation as required by Articles of Incorporation. File with State of Ohio for “Continued Existence” as required (once every five years) Maintain financial records such that they are available for inspection for a period of not less than three years. Support a clean and timely turn over of Chapter records to the position’s successor 3.Description of Open Board Positions:
8 President-Elect The President-Elect shall assist the President with all Chapter matters and related duties. He/She shall assume responsibilities of the President in absence of the President or in the event that the President may be unable to fulfill His/Her responsibilities. The President-Elect will be expected to succeed the President subject to the nomination and election process defined in the bylaws. The President-Elect will have Professional Development, Membership and Strategic Planning areas of responsibility for supporting the President & the Board. Support a clean and timely transition to the position’s successor. 3.Description of Open Board Positions:
9 President The President shall be the chief executive officer for the PMI-Central Ohio Chapter and of the Board, and shall perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers, including making all required appointments with the approval of the Board. The President shall also serve as a member ex-officio with the right to vote on all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall preside at all general meetings of the PMI-Central Ohio Chapter and will be responsible for the overall functioning of the Chapter. The President will assure that the Board works together as a team and is dedicated to achieving the Chapter vision, mission and objectives as detailed in the Chapter Charter. 4.Description of President-Elect follow on Positions:
10 President The roles and responsibilities of the President include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following: Act as the official custodian of the Chapter Charter. Direct the activities of other leadership team members toward Chapter goals and objectives. Appoint Nominating Committee members to conduct Chapter elections for the upcoming period. Appoint replacement Board members to vacant positions, subject to the Board's approval. Submit to the PMI Vice-President - Region IV and to the PMI Executive Office an annual application for charter renewal, pursuant to Article B-6 of the Chapter Guidelines & Policy Handbook. The application shall be prepared by the Secretary. Represent the Chapter, or appoint an appropriate alternate as a member at the PMI ® Annual Leadership Conference. Chapter Presidents (CCP) at the Bi-annual Meetings and serve on any CCP subcommittees that may be established to form policy for the CCP. Prepare monthly status reports for presentation at Chapter Business meetings. Maintain and deliver all permanent records to the position successor as required. Support a clean and timely transition to the position’s successor. 4.Description of President-Elect follow on Positions:
11 Immediate-Past President The Immediate-Past President shall assist the President and The Board with the roles and responsibilities of this office including, but are not limited to, any or all of the following: Assist the President in liaison with PMI ® as requested. Assist in preparation and conduct of any special projects, seminars or meetings in support of other Board members, or in liaison with any project manager appointed for a specific project the Chapter decides to undertake. Chair the Nominating Committee responsible for preparing the slate of Board members for the succeeding year. The Immediate-Past President shall have the Professional Development Day, Communications, Certification and Outreach areas of responsibility for supporting the President and the Board. Support a clean and timely transition to the position’s successor. 4.Description of President-Elect follow on Positions :
12 5. Schedule of Election 2013 activities: DateElection Milestone Description Sept. 4, 2015Start accepting nominations for board positions. Oct. 02, 2015Close of nominations for board positions. Oct. 05, Oct. 09, 2015 Interview all board position nominees. Oct. 12, 2016 Final list of board nominees published with Bio’s to membership. Oct. 12, Nov. 02, 2015 Vote on board nominees through web site . Nov. 13, 2015Announcement on results of vote to chapter membership Jan. 1, 2016Leadership change per 2015 voting results.
13 6. Nomination Submittal Process: Submit all nominations for open board positions by sending the name of the individual and requested information (see next slide) to: Nomination Committee: Kiran Govindaraju at Bert Cousins at Beth Rick at Kiran will send a confirmation of the receipt of the nomination and validation that nomination criteria is met to the person that sent in the nomination and the nominee. If you have any questions please contact Kiran Govindaraju at (614)
14 8.Nomination Required Information: 1)Board Position 2)Nominee Name 3)PMI Membership # 4) address & Phone Number 5)Biographical Information a)PMP Status b)Company & position c)Brief history – career and/or PMI chapter activities d)Brief description your qualifications for this position e)Brief comment about your thoughts on goals for this position (Note: All biographical information should not be more than one page, 12 point font)